It seems like Tencent took active steps to prevent users from using this app and it is not only no longer working but also puts a risk on the user as they may decide to block accounts. As a result I decided to remove existing packaged executables but to leave the source code if anybody felt adventurous in trying to find a new way to make it work at their on risk.
Chinese players talk less and whine less, so should you. Complaining and raging is not a thing to do here. Players do not say their lane all the time and it should be implicit depending on the picked heroes.
- Updates aren't made at the same time, expect some delay between an update on the EU or US server and the same update on the Chinese server (usually a couple of weeks at least).
- The prices of some heroes are different, but most of them remains identical.
- The free Champions Rotation happens every Friday at 10 AM UTC+08:00
This is the old bonus system, check below for latest info
After level 5, 10, 15 and 20 you are eligible to some bonus (XP/IP Boost, runes...), to claim those bonus you have to go on and click on the matching level.
You will be asked to log-in and select your server.
2016-03-04: Updates I received from a user (Crushie
The bonus system has been reworked, and is currently 3 bonuses that update after completion or midnight.
2 of the bonusses are related to gameplay:
Get 60 minion kills in a single fight / Play 2 different heroes today / get 3 kills or assist in a single game.. stuff like that,
these are updated at midnight.
The bonuses here can be a champion rent / 50, 100 or 150 IP / runes and 4 win exp or ip boost.
Whereas the last bonus is related to level, level 1-10 has a bonus for each level, giving 14 days of "rent" on a hero,
i think they are the same heroes for each account, but i can't remember the order of them
(lower level is littered with the same heroes, which are too expensive to buy and are not on the free rotation)
Level 8 and 11 gave tier 2 runes for ad and spellcaster, giving plenty enough to easily fill your runepage until level 17'ish.
- ADC -> ADC
- AP -> AP
- Baron - 大龙(DA LONG) or BA LONG
- Blue buff - 蓝(LAN)
- Bottom Lane - 下路(XIA LU)
- Dragon - 小龙 (XIAO LONG)
- Feed - 送(SONG)
- Focus - 先杀(XIAN SHA) or 先打(XIAN DA)
- Gank -> Gank
- Green - 绿(LU, LV when typing Chinese)
- Group - 团 (TUAN)
- Jungle - 打野(DA YE)
- Kill - 杀(SHA)
- Mid - 中路(ZHONG LU)
- Pink - 粉红(FEN HONG)
- Red buff - 红(HONG)
- Run - 3 (The chinese pronounciation of three is SAN, which also means run in chinese)
- Solo - 单(DAN) used after 上,下,or中 (上单,中单)
- Steal - 偷(TOU)
- Stupid - SB (I would prefer not to put insults but this one is moderated and is often used after a stupid action)
- Tank - 肉(ROU)
- Top - 上路(SHANG LU)
- Troll - 坑(KENG)
- Ultimate - 大(DA) You can say 'R' too
- Wards - 眼(YAN)