- 32 Marks
- Two Main Components
- A feature descriptor
- Describe an image region with a high-dimensional descriptor
- Options:
- Full Image (Prac 5 & 6)
- Dimensionality reduction techniques (Prac 7)
- Gabor Features
- A learning method
- Learn to classify an image region as a person or not.
- Options
- Nearest neighbour
- K-NN
- A feature descriptor
- Folder images contains crops to be used for training.
- Justify your choice and the parameter values.
- 21 Marks
- In order to justify previous choices, we need to divide dataset (both positive and negative examples) in 2 subsets: training and testing
- Training samples and their labels for learning choose the best techniques, strategies and parameters for each block using the testing
- Options:
- Given test and training files face_train.cdataset and face_test.cdataset
- Half/half
- Cross validation
- Evaluate the performance of your final choice(s)
- Options:
- Recognition Rate
- TP, FP, TN, FN (Prac 7)
- Precision, recall, specificity, sensitivity, etc… (Prac 7)
- Options:
- 37 Marks
- Apply your classification/verification system to implement a pedestrian detector
- Two important components
- A sliding window detector. (Based on Prac 6)
- Crop the image at every location and use the classifier to tell if that image region contains a face. By scanning every location on the full image, it will detect all instances of faces in that image.
- In order to detect faces at multiple sizes, our sliding window detector should run at multiple scales (will require resizing image)
- Non-maxima suppression. (Prac 6)
- Overlapping detections are a common problem. NMS removes overlapping detection to improve performance. It keeps best detections in each region by selecting the strongest responses.
- A sliding window detector. (Based on Prac 6)
- Run your detector on the 4 files imX.jpg, and evaluate its performance
- Calculate the performance of our detector (TP, FP, TN, FN, etc…)
- Generate output images with bounding boxes
- Reflect and explain the results that you have obtained
- Why and when it fails?