EE5 (GroupT) Project to be used at the 24h loop to monitor runners on a track
It reads from a socket; sends data to webclients using 2 frames
runner frame which contains ID, % on Track, Latitude, Longitude, Speed, Rounds
general info frame which contains other information (ranking,..)
It uses the Atmosphere Framework to establish a cross-platform & browser "websocket" connection with it's webclients for low latency full duplex communication.
Web-interface is crossplatform SVG; it can animate collision detection.
There is also a map application which can send the track coordinates to the Raspi
There is also an API which uses REST webservices (and no websockets) It is based on the Jersey framework; this way other teams can tap into our datastream. No calls are made to the Raspi; instead persisted data is send back.
returns "application/json" all stats of a runner with ID
return "application/json" ranking of all runners