Given the following alphabet:
a: '.-',
b: '-...',
c: '-.-.',
d: '-..',
e: '.',
f: '..-.',
g: '--.',
h: '....',
i: '..',
j: '.---',
k: '-.-',
l: '.-..',
m: '--',
n: '-.',
o: '---',
p: '.--.',
q: '--.-',
r: '.-.',
s: '...',
t: '-',
u: '..-',
v: '...-',
w: '.--',
v: '...-',
x: '-..-',
y: '-.--',
z: '--..'
Try encoding the following strings:
var firstWord = "hello world";
var secondWord = "we love javascript";
Accept user input and be able to output the encoded value. (using prompt)
Decode the following messages:
... .- -- ..- . .-.. -- --- .-. ... . .. -. ...- . -. - . -.. -- --- .-. ... . -.-. --- -.. .
-.-- --- ..- .-. .. -. ... - .-. ..- -.-. - --- .-. ... .-.. --- ...- . -.-- --- ..-
- .... .. ... .. ... - .... . .- -. ... .-- . .-. - --- - .... . ..- .-.. - .. -- .- - . --.- ..- . ... - .. --- -. --- ..-. .-.. .. ..-. . - .... . ..- -. .. ...- . .-. ... . .- -. -.. . ...- . .-. -.-- - .... .. -. --.
Ask the user if they want to encode or decode. Add the ability to take in morse code and spit out the decoded message.
Each letter of the alphabet is given as a key in the array.
You need to translate every letter in the input string into a bunch of dots and dashes (the value at a particular key in the object).
This repetition of the translation action implies a loop.
The data that this loops runs on, where you translate each letter into a set of dots an dashes, implies an array of characters (one element for each letter of the word- ['c','a','t']
represents the word cat
You can transform a string into an array of individual characters easily in javascript:
var word = "hello";
var wordArray = word.split('');