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K-means Clustering on MNIST Dataset Using MPI

Modification of sequential k-means clustering to run in parallel using MPI. The k-means clustering algorithm is executed on the original MNIST handwritten digits dataset.


Justin Thoreson


There are two main executables:

  • MNISTKMeansSequential - Sequential k-means clustering for MNIST images
  • MNISTKMeansParallel - Parallel k-means clustering for MNIST images


To compile and link all executables, run:


To build a program individually, run:

make [PROGRAM]


To build and execute MNISTKMeansSequential, run:

make mnistseq

To build and execute MNISTKMeansParallel, run:

make mnist#

where # is the number of parallel processes to execute (e.g., make mnist32).

MNIST K-means Clustering

Each MNIST image is 28x28 = 784 pixels in size; thus, the dimensionality of an MNIST image is 784. Each pixel is greyscale and represented by an unsigned byte with a value range of 0 to 255. An MNIST image is clustered based on the collective euclidean distance of all of its pixel values. The data set for the MNIST images are contained in the file t10k-images-idx3-ubyte and the corresponding labels are contained in t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte.

Given the large data set, MNISTKMeansSequential is configured to cluster only the first 1000 images of the MNIST data set, while MNISTKMeansParallel is configured to cluster only the first 250 images.

Since the MNIST data set is comprised of handwritten digits, ten possible values ranging from 0 to 9, it is fitting that k-means runs with ten clusters.


Clustering for both MNISTKMeansSequential and MNISTKMeansParallel is reported to the console where the labels of each image are printed with their respective clusters.

Visualizations of both programs are output to HTML files named kmeans_mnist_seq.html and kmeans_mnist_mpi.html respectively. The top row of a visualization shows the derived clusters, while the images underneath each cluster are images from the MNIST data set that have fallen within their rkmeans_mnist_mpi.htmlespective cluster above.


While executing MNISTKMeansParallel with 250 images, 32 processes, and 10 clusters, the results may appear as follows:


  • KMeans.h - Sequential k-means class
  • KMeansMPI.h - Parallel k-means class utilizing MPI
  • MNISTImage.h - MNIST image wrapper class declaration
  • MNISTImage.cpp - MNIST image wrapper class implementation
  • MNISTKMeans.h - Sequential k-means class for MNIST images
  • MNISTKMeansMPI.h - Parallel k-means class for MNIST images using MPI
  • MNISTKMeansParallel.cpp - Runs parallel k-means on MNIST images using MPI
  • MNISTKMeansSequential.cpp - Runs sequential k-means on MNIST images
  • t10k-images-idx3-ubyte - MNIST images data set
  • t10k-labels-idx1-ubyte - MNIST labels data set
  • valgrind.supp - Valgrind error suppressions
  • Makefile - Builds all executables



K-means clustering on the MNIST dataset using MPI







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