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A light weight bus replacement for local inter-process communication. The main goal is to decouple separate components from each other, by using a light-weight message bus (current implemented redis), to queue and send message to the separate component that can serve it.

The keyword here is local zbus is not intended to be used over the network because it's intended ONLY for local inter process communication. Allows local processes to talk to each other.

To keep it light, the ZBUS does not do any authentication or permissions

A public API then can expose a public API then internally make calls to other local components.


  • Each module has a name, a single module can host one or more objects
  • While it's not required an object can implement one or more interfaces
  • Each object must have a name and a version
  • interfaces are mainly used to generate client stubs, but it's totally fine to not have one. In that case the client must know precisely the method signature (name and arguments number and types); same for the return value.
  • A consumer who has connection to the message broker can call methods on the remote objects, knowing only the module name, object name, method name, and argument list. The current implementation of the client supports only synchronous calls. In that matter it's similar to RPC.
  • A consumer of the component can use a stub to abstract the calls to the remote module
  • Support for events where clients can listen to announcements from different components

zbus was built with golang only in mind so zbusc was only built to generate client stubs for golang from the service interface witch is golang interface! But the underlying protocol itself is simple enough to implement client and servers in other languages. For example rust hence we also have rbus which is 100% compatible with the go implementation. Hence it's possible for services built in rust to be called from golang and the vise versa.


Installing the zbus compiler zbusc

go install

The zbusc is only needed to generate stub code.


Let's build a service from scratch say a calculator service. First we create a project and init it

mkdir calc
cd calc
go mod init
go get

this initialize the directory to be a go project (module)

please use a proper module name when doing mod init

All new files are created under the calc directory let's create the service file create new file api.go

package calc

type Calculator interface {
	Add(a, b float64) float64
	Multiply(n ...float64) float64
	Divide(a, b float64) (float64, error)

while it's very simple, it shows that implementation supports variadic arguments, and also returning multiple arguments

zbus can also return channels for event streams but let's leave that for another example

The next step is simple is to actually implement this interface and start our zbus server

we create file server/server.go

package main

import (


// the service implementation structure
type myCalculator struct{}

// this is just to verify that that the myCalculator actually
// implements calc.Calculator interface ! if the interface
// changes this should give a compile error
var _ calc.Calculator = (*myCalculator)(nil)

func (c *myCalculator) Add(a, b float64) float64 {
	return a + b

func (c *myCalculator) Multiply(n ...float64) float64 {
	var v float64
	if len(n) > 0 {
		v = n[0]

	for _, x := range n[1:] {
		v *= x

	return v

func (c *myCalculator) Divide(a, b float64) (float64, error) {
	if b == 0 {
		return 0, fmt.Errorf("cannot divide by zero")

	return a / b, nil

func app() error {
	const module = "calc"
	const address = "tcp://localhost:6379"
	server, err := zbus.NewRedisServer(module, address, 10)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	impl := &myCalculator{}

	// a single module (in this case calc) can serve multiple objects
	// also it can serve multiple objects with same name but different version
	// hence it's important when u register an object to give it a name and a version
	// it's not possible to register the same name@version twice.
	server.Register(zbus.ObjectIDFromString("calculator@1.0.0"), impl)

	// once you are done registering ALL your objects it's time to start your server

	return server.Run(context.Background())

func main() {
	if err := app(); err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v", err)

You can now run the zbus server simply by doing

go run server/server.go

Generating a stub client and using it

While you still inside the calc project create a stubs directory

mkdir stubs

Then run the following command

zbusc -module calc -name calculator -version 1.0.0 -package stubs stubs/calculator_stub.go

The command line is simple it takes the module name, object name, object version, and the package name to use in the generated code. The it needs to know which interface to generate code for (in that case it's the Calculator interface) but it requires to know the full path hence it's provided as Finally where to output the generated code. We output the generated stub to stubs/calculator_stubs.go

To avoid typing this command every time you change the interface or you add new methods, instead edit the api.go file by adding this line above the Calculator interface

//go:generate mkdir -p stubs
//go:generate zbusc -module calc -name calculator -version 1.0.0 -package stubs stubs/calculator_stub.go

type Calculator interface {

Now each time you want to regenerate the stubs do

go generate ./...

Testing the generated stub

while under the calc project create a client directory

mkdir client

then create file client/client.go

package main

import (


func app(ctx context.Context) error {
	const address = "tcp://localhost:6379"

	client, err := zbus.NewRedisClient(address)
	if err != nil {
		return err

	stub := stubs.NewCalculatorStub(client)

	// calling the add function
	fmt.Printf("adding 2 numbers: %f \n", stub.Add(ctx, 20, 30))

	_, err = stub.Divide(ctx, 100, 0)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("got error: ", err)

	return nil

func main() {
	if err := app(context.Background()); err != nil {
		fmt.Fprintf(os.Stderr, "%v", err)

You notice the following:

  • You create a generic low level client to zbus, then you can use that to create as many stubs (to other services and modules) as you want
  • The client does not have to know about the interface, just the stub and then it can do calls normally like any other service.
  • Generated stubs calls always take ctx as first argument which allows you to control timeouts and cancellation if call is taking to long (service down?!)

To test this first to this

go run server/server.go

Then in another terminal do

go run client/client.go

this should output this

adding 2 numbers: 50.000000
got error:  cannot divide by zero


Please check specs here


It's very simple, check the examples

The api.go have some go generate lines that runs the zbusc tool

Projects using zbus