Welcome to our Blockchain Project, an open-source blockchain, developed in Go. This platform emphasizes security, efficiency, and decentralization, offering a robust solution for maintaining a transparent ledger.
Jump into action with these simple steps:
Set Up: Clone the repository to your local machine.
Generate AES Key: This key needs to be generated for encryption.
Create a .env file: in the .env file it needs to have the following:
SUPABASE_PUBLIC_KEY=XXXXXXXXX SUPABASE_URL=XXXXXXXXX ENV=development HTTP_NODE_ADDRESS=localhost:8546 GRPC_NODE_ADDRESS=localhost:50051 WS_NODE_ADDRESS=localhost:8444 DOMAIN_NAME=node.thrylos.org PEERS=XXXXXXXXX DATA=./blockchain_data TESTNET=true AES_KEY_ENV_VAR=XXXXXXXXX WASM_PATH="https://raw.githubusercontent.com/thrylos-labs/rust_wasm/main/target/wasm32-unknown-unknown/release/rust_wasm.wasm" DATA_DIR=/database GENESIS_ACCOUNT=XXXXXXXXX GAS_ESTIMATE_URL=https://localhost:8546/api/gas-estimate
- Run_Thrylos: Execute
in your terminal to run thyrlos testnet in development.
How to run manaully without using run_thrylos.sh:
Navigate: In terminal change directory to cd cmd/thrylosnode
Run: Execute 'export ENV=development'
in your terminal.
Run: Execute 'go run .'
in your terminal.
If you delete the blockchain_data the account and balances will be wiped
- In a new terminal:
# change to clisigner directory
cd cmd/clisigner
# run a sample send and receive test
go run . --sender=6ab5fbf652da1467169cd68dd5dc9e82331d2cf17eb64e9a5b8b644dcb0e3d19 --receiver=8bcd8b1c3e3487743ed7caf19b688f83d6f86cf7d246bc71d5f7d322a64189f7 --amount=4
Dive deeper into the core components that power our blockchain:
- Purpose: Serve as the backbone, housing transactions, linking to the previous block via hash, and ensuring integrity through their own hash.
- Role: Create an immutable chain, securing the ledger's history.
- Function: Facilitate asset exchange between parties, backed by signatures for authenticity.
- Significance: Act as the heartbeat of our blockchain, enabling decentralized finance.
- Description: A chain of blocks, each connected by hashes, functioning as the public ledger for all transactions.
- Utility: Ensures transparency, security, and accessibility of transaction records.
- Utility: Stores blockchain data (blocks and transactions), ensuring durability and swift access.
- Features: Offers a solid foundation for blockchain persistence and efficient data queries.
- Overview: An abstraction over Badger, tailored for blockchain operations.
- Capabilities: Handles transaction additions, UTXO retrieval, and UTXO set updates, streamlining database interactions.
- Initiation: Launches alongside the blockchain, opening a gateway for user interactions on a designated port.
- Endpoints: Features a variety of access points for blockchain interaction, including transaction submissions and status checks.
- Process: Parses and validates incoming requests, translating them into blockchain actions like adding transactions or validating the chain's integrity.
- Advantage: Ensures data is compact and efficiently stored or transmitted, using Google's Protobuf for serialization.
- Conversion: Bridges the gap between Go's native data structures and Protobuf's binary format, facilitating seamless data operations.
- Purpose: Enhances the efficiency and scalability of data storage and retrieval in the blockchain.
- Functionality: Implements a novel data structure for organizing transactions in a compact, efficient manner, reducing the size of proof and improving verification times.
- Integration: Used within the blockchain to form a succinct, cryptographically secure representation of transaction states, facilitating quicker and lighter consensus verification.
- Start: Initialization kicks off with the blockchain and HTTP server, loading the current state from the database.
- Interact: Submit transactions, query data, and explore the blockchain through our intuitive HTTP endpoints.
- Contribute: Enhance the ecosystem by adding transactions, creating blocks, and maintaining the network's integrity.
Join our mission to make decentralized transactions the norm. Here's how you can contribute:
- Get Started: Fork the repo, then create a feature or bug fix branch.
- Follow Guidelines: Adhere to our coding standards and commit message conventions.
- Test Rigorously: Ensure your changes are thoroughly tested.
- Submit a PR: Push your branch and open a pull request.
We're committed to fostering an inclusive environment. Please review our Code of Conduct to understand our community standards.
Stumbled upon a security flaw? Email us at hello@thrylos.org. Let's keep our discussions private until we've addressed the issue.
This project is proudly licensed under the MIT License. For more details, see the LICENSE file.