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Query builder for Python applications. Designed to work with MUI-QueryBuilder.

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Py-QueryBuilder is available as a pypi package.

pip install py-querybuilder


Here is a quick example to get you started. First you'll need a templates folder in your module, containing Jinja2 templates with a {{ where }} placeholder:

FROM my_table
WHERE {{ where }}

You can now rely on the QueryBuilder class to render queries:

from py_querybuilder import QueryBuilder

qb = QueryBuilder("app.articles", [
        "label": "Article",
        "options": [
                "label": "Title",
                "value": "title",
                "type": "text",
                "label": "URL",
                "value": "url",
                "type": "text",
sql_query, sql_params = qb.render("query.sql", {
    "combinator": "and",
    "rules": [
            "field": "title",
            "operator": "contains",
            "value": "Brazil",

The query is generated with JinjaSQL, a template language for SQL statements and scripts. Since it's based in Jinja2, you have all the power it offers: conditional statements, macros, looping constructs, blocks, inheritance, and more. We use sqlparse to format the queries.

FROM my_table
WHERE title ~* ? AS "Title"

The default operators used for generating queries are:

    "after": ">",
    "after_equal": ">=",
    "before": "<",
    "before_equal": "<=",
    "contains": "~*",
    "greater": ">",
    "greater_equal": ">=",
    "equal": "=",
    "in": "in",
    "less": "<",
    "less_equal": "<=",
    "not_contains": "!~*",
    "not_equal": "!=",
    "not_in": "not in",
    "not_null": "is not null",
    "null": "is null",

In case the database you're targeting uses different operators, it's possible to customize those at QueryBuilder's instantiation:

qb = QueryBuilder(my_module, my_query, operators={
    # Custom operators.

SQL parameters are returned from render() in a list of values corresponding to the placeholders that need to be bound to the query.

# ["Brazil"]

Finally, you can now use the SQL query and its bind parameters to fetch data. For example, in Django, you would do something like this:

from django.db import connection

with connection.cursor() as cursor:
    cursor.execute(sql_query, sql_params)

    for row in cursor.fetchall():
        # Do something with the results.


Check out the API documentation. To learn more about the query's data structure, and how filters and operators work, please refer to MUI-QueryBuilder.


This project is licensed under the terms of the MIT license.