This hardware was fabricated for AICTE Idea Lab FDP held at TI-CEPD, NSUT. This repository is hosting tempalte code with Pinmapping and libraries information used during FDP. Also, An Android app is provided to view the data of the temperature form the hardware. Features of this device are as follows:-
- Before wifi provisioning :-
- Rainbow pattern on RGB
- Every 10 seconds all 12 petal leds will glow in linear fashion.
- After wifi provisioning
- Rainbow pattern on RGB
- Play mario death tone every hour at 00 minute.
- Each of 12 petal leds will glow one after another in clockwise fashion, denoting complition of 5 minutes.
- Temperature sent to sincgrid cloud and data will be visible on sincgrid home app
Editable files are located in Hardware folder
There is an Android application available at the play store for provisioning of the device (i.e. providing wifi ssid and passsword) and relaying the information.
Application can be located at
Below are the steps needed to commision the device
- Regsiter user
- WiFi provision of the device
- Regualr temperature update on the card
- On App side Click on the add button to start provisioning
On device side, Press the button for 5 second, you will hear a buzzer beep that mark as confirmation of initiation of provisioning.
To whatever the wifi you phone is connected, that SSID will be taken by default. To change this, you can switch the wifi form the phone.
After this app will automatically add the device.
After every 15 minutes device will send the temperature data from LM75.
- esp32-Encrypt
- bblanchon/ArduinoJson
- ESPAsyncWebServer
- AsyncTCP
- ESP32_AnalogWrite
- NTPClient
- Tone
- PubSubClient