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dplyr 1.0.3

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@romainfrancois romainfrancois released this 15 Jan 13:58
  • summarise() no longer informs when the result is ungrouped (#5633).

  • group_by(.drop = FALSE) preserves ordered factors (@brianrice2, #5545).

  • count() and tally() are now generic.

  • Removed default fallbacks to lazyeval methods; this will yield better error messages when
    you call a dplyr function with the wrong input, and is part of our long term
    plan to remove the deprecated lazyeval interface.

  • inner_join() gains a keep parameter for consistency with the other
    mutating joins (@patrickbarks, #5581).

  • Improved performance with many columns, with a dynamic data mask using active
    bindings and lazy chops (#5017).

  • mutate() and friends preserves row names in data frames once more (#5418).

  • group_by() uses the ungrouped data for the implicit mutate step (#5598).
    You might have to define an ungroup() method for custom classes.
    For example, see hadley/cubelyr#3.

  • relocate() can rename columns it relocates (#5569).

  • distinct() and group_by() have better error messages when the mutate step fails (#5060).

  • Clarify that between() is not vectorised (#5493).

  • Fixed across() issue where data frame columns would could not be referred to
    with all_of() in the nested case (mutate() within mutate()) (#5498).

  • across() handles data frames with 0 columns (#5523).

  • mutate() always keeps grouping variables, unconditional to .keep= (#5582).

  • dplyr now depends on R 3.3.0