Container-hosted website for sending commands to rpi-ws2812-server for LED control.
This was primarily created as a personal project to get some fun WS2812B lighting strips going in my house and enable control via a web/mobile app. I'm not planning on supporting it, though you can look through it to see how I did things.
At some point I may switch this so it directly controls the LEDs instead of using the rpi-ws2812-server. This would allow the RPi to host just the ASP.NET Core app and would mean no need for a separate container that calls the server. The RPi I have isn't strong enough to support both the rpi-ws2812-server and this app at the same time. Something hangs in the networking. Haven't figured out what.
In Visual Studio there's a folder-based publish profile so you can publish from there and it'll end up in artifacts/app
If you do try hosting this on the RPi, you must listen on *
or ASP.NET Core defaults to only localhost. For example, this allows you to access the site at port 80 on the RPi.
PiLights --urls http://*:80
If you want to debug on the RPi you can select SSH debugging from VS and enter username@yourpiname
like pi@raspberrypi
as the destination. You can then select your app from the list of running processes.
I have a gist with a mostly-automated setup script for pulling down the server bits and getting things compiled. You can use that to see what prerequisites you need for build/setup.