I am a software engineer with experience in C#, SQL, JavaScript, and TypeScript. I have worked with React, Node, Express, Jira, Confluence, Postman, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL.
I have a BA in Economics and a MS in Taxation. I am currently working on my MS in Computer Science part-time online at CU Boulder while working full-time. I am a full stack developer although I do prefer backend development.
My hobbies are coding, reading, TV, movies, scuba diving, and competitive running.
- 🔭 For work, I’m currently working on an app to make buying insurance easier with a C#/.NET backend and React/TS frontend.
- 🌱 For fun, I’m currently building out a .NET Core Web API to store my dive logs and develop my .NET and backend skills further.
- 📫 How to reach me: My E-mail is tim.thompsonco@gmail.com.
- 😄 Pronouns: He/Him/His.
- ⚡ Fun fact: I once ran a 50K on a Saturday from Broomfield to Boulder and back for fun, not a race, just to see if I could do it.