kmy KMyMoney data file reader
kmy is straightforward to use (Python 3 tested only) - e.g.
from kmy import kmy
mm = kmy.Kmy.from_kmy_file('/path/to/your-money.kmy')
That's it! Then just use it as you wish!
print("User", "name",, "email",
print("FileInfo", "creationDate", mm.fileInfo.creationDate, "lastModifiedDate", mm.fileInfo.lastModifiedDate)
print("Found", len(mm.institutions), "Institutions")
print("Found", len(mm.accounts), "Accounts")
print("Found", len(mm.transactions), "Transactions")
print("Found", len(mm.tags), "Tags")
print("Found", len(mm.payees), "Payees")
print("Found", len(mm.costCenters), "CostCenters")
There are still some outliers like tags that are not yet implemented. Feel free to submit Issues or MRs. It works for what I want for now, but we shall see how or if it evolves :-)