A simple terminal based battleship game made with Python.
This project was started as part of the Computer Science program with codecademy.com
- Manjaro Linux - Version
- VS Code - Version 1.65.2
- Python - Version 3.10.2
Save all files into the same folder. Must have the tabulate package installed. Then run the following from a terminal window:
python battleship.py
to follow
List of features:
- Create a game board with 3 different size options depending on difficulty selected
- Randomly place different numbers of ships on the board depending on difficulty selected
- Input coordinates to try and attack the battleship
- Inform when there is a hit or a miss and update the board
- Indication of successfully sinking a ship
- Can play 1 or 2 players
To-do list:
- User input validation
- Score counter
Project is: in progress
Based on the classic game Battleship
Created by @timjquigg - feel free to contact me!