This project requires the use of Yahoo Finance's API from
which as of January 2018 is no longer available. This project has been archived and moved over to read-only for reference use only.
Pulls stock information from Yahoo Finance given a stock ticker.
gem install stock_grabber
Require the gem and pass the stock symbol into a new instance of the Class.
require 'stock_grabber'
stock ="GOOG")
puts stock.symbol # => GOOG
puts # => Google Inc.
puts stock.last_traded_price # => 571.60
puts stock.last_traded_date # => 7/31/2014
puts stock.last_traded_time # => 4:00pm
puts stock.change # => -15.82
puts stock.opening_price # => 580.60
puts stock.days_high # => 583.6499
puts stock.days_low # => 570.00
puts stock.volume # => 2099516
puts # => US