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Creating a User


gam create user <email address> firstname <First Name>
 lastname <Last Name> password <Password>
 [suspended on|off] [changepassword on|off]
 [gal on|off] [admin on|off]
 [sha] [md5] [crypt] [nohash]
 [org <Org Name>]

Create a user account. firstname, lastname and password arguments are optional and should be single quoted if they contain spaces or special characters like ! or $ that the shell might try to interpret. If not set, firstname and lastname will default to "Unknown" and password will default to a random, 25-character string. Optional parameter "suspended on" creates the account but marks it as suspended (suspended off, AKA active is the default). The optional parameter "changepassword on" will force the user to change their password after their first successful login (changepassword off is the default). The optional parameter "gal off" will hide the user from the Global Address List. This user will not be searchable in the Contacts Directory and will not autocomplete for other users composing emails unless they already have the user in their personal contacts (gal on is the default). The optional parameter "admin on" makes the user a Google Apps Super Admin (admin off is the default). The optional parameters sha, md5 and crypt indicate that the password is a hash of the given type. By default, if neither sha1, crypt or md5 are specified, GAM will do a sha1 hash of the provided password and send the hash instead of the plain text password for an additional layer of security. However, when hashes are sent, Google is unable to ensure password length and strength so it's possible to set passwords that do not conform to Google's length requirement this way. The optional parameter nohash disables GAM's automatic hashing of the password (password is still sent over encrypted HTTPS) so that Google can evaluate the length and strength of the password. Optional parameter org moves the user into the desired Organizational Unit. At the same time a user account is created, rich profile information for the user such as phone numbers, organizational information, address and IM can be set. For details on profile fields, see Setting User Profile Details at Create or Update.


This example creates a user account. Note that the password is in single quotes to prevent the shell from acting on the special characters.

gam create user droth
 firstname "David Lee" lastname Roth
 password 'MightAsWellJump!'

This example creates a user who is hidden from the GAL, forced to change their password after first login and a super admin.

gam create user jsmith gal off changepassword on
 admin on

Update and Rename a User


gam update user <email address>
 [firstname <First Name>] [lastname <Last Name>]
 [password <Password>]
 [username <New Username>]
 [email <New Email>]
 [gal on|off] [admin on|off] [suspended on|off]
 [sha] [md5] [crypt] [nohash]
 [changepassword on|off] [org <Org Name>]

Update a user account. firstname, lastname and password arguments are optional and should be single quoted if they contain spaces or special characters like $ or ! that may be interpreted by the shell. Username is optional and will rename the user's account name (and thus their email address). admin, gal and suspended are optional and can be turned on or off. sha, crypt and md5 arguments are optional and indicate that the password specified is a hash of the given type. By default, if neither sha, crypt or md5 are specified, GAM will do a sha hash of the provided password and send the hash instead of the plain text password for an additional layer of security. However, when hashes are sent, Google is unable to ensure password length and strength so it's possible to set passwords that do not conform to Google's length requirement this way. The optional parameter nohash disable's GAM's automatic hashing of the password (password is still sent over encrypted HTTPS) so that Google can evaluate the length and strength of the password. changepassword is optional and indicates whether the user should be forced to change their password on next login. Optional parameter org allows the user to be moved into the desired Organization.

At the same time a user account is created, rich profile information for the user such as phone numbers, organizational information, address and IM can be set. For details on profile fields, see Setting User Profile Details at Create or Update.

Google makes the following recommendations when renaming a user account:

  • Before renaming a user, it is recommended that you logout the user from all browser sessions and services. For instance, you can get the user on your support desk telephone line during the rename process to ensure they have logged out. The process of renaming can take up to 10 minutes to propagate across all services.
  • Google Talk will lose all remembered chat invitations after renaming. The user must request permission to chat with friends again.
  • When a user is renamed, the old username is retained as a alias to ensure continuous mail delivery in the case of email forwarding settings and will not be available as a new username. If you prefer not to have the alias in place after the rename, you'll need to Delete the Alias


This example updates a user account, setting the firstname, lastname and password and giving them admin access to the domain. Notice that the password is in single quotes to prevent the shell from acting on the !.

gam update user pmcartney
 firstname Paul lastname McCartney
 password 'LetItBe!' admin on
 suspended off

This example renames ljones to lsmith, also setting her last name to Smith (in the case of marriage)

gam update user ljones username lsmith lastname Smith

In this example, George Otfired is no longer at the company and Nate Ewguy has taken his position, we'll change the username, first and last name and password all in one stroke thus retaining George's old Google Apps mail, documents, etc

gam update user gotfired
 username newguy
 firstname Nate lastname Ewguy
 password HopeILastHere

Setting User Profile Details at Create or Update


Line breaks are for readability, when run, command should be one long line.

gam create|update user <email address>
 [relation <relation type> <relation value>]
 [externalid <id type> <id value>]
 [phone type <phone type> value <phone value> primary|notprimary]
 [organization name <org name> title <org title>
  type <org type> department <org dept> symbol <org symbol>
  costcenter <org cost center> location <org location>
  description <org desc> domain <org domain>
 [address type <address type> unstructured <unstructered address>
  pobox <address pobox> extendedaddress <address extended address>
  streetaddress <address street address> locality <address locality>
  region <address region> postalcode <address postal code>
  countrycode <address country code>
 [im type <im type> protocol <im protocol> primary <im value>]

Updates the rich profile information for a user at the same time the user is created or updated (single API call). These additional attributes can all be specified in one GAM command but are separated in the documentation for clarity. All attributes are optional and will show in the user's directory information assuming they have not been hidden from the Global Address List (gal off). The relation attribute allows you to set a relation of the user (e.g. manager). Relation value should be the relations email address in most cases. externalid allows you to specify other identification attributes or numbers for the user. Note that these are visible within the directory so private information like social security numbers or unique org identifiers should not be used. The phone attribute allows you to set phone numbers where the user can be reached. The organization attribute allows you to describe organizations which the member is a part of as well as their role and placement in the org, note that this is entirely unrelated to the Google Apps org setting. The address attribute allows you to set the addresses of a user. The address can be structured with each field separated or unstructured (one large address not broken into fields). The im attribute allows you to set instant messaging addresses for the user.


This example will set multiple organizations, addresses, relations, managers and phones for the user. update user
 relation manager
 relation spouse
 externalid employeeID 1234567
 externalID "Frequent Flyer Number" ac321905
 phone type mobile value 321-654-0987 notprimary
 phone type work value 123-457-7890 primary
 organization name "Acme Inc." type "Work" title "Product Manager" department "Wafers Division"
  symbol  "ACME" costcenter 1234 location "Richmond Office" domain primary
 organization name "ACME Softball Team" type unknown title "Pitcher"
  description "2.3 ERA" notprimary
 im type work protocol gtalk primary
 im type home protocol jabber

Setting Custom User Schema Fields at Create or Update


gam create|update user <email address>
 [schemaname.fieldname <fieldvalue>]
 [schemaname.multivaluefieldname multivalued <fieldvalue>]

Sets the given custom user schema field for a user. The schema must already be created. See the create custom user schema command. If the schema field is multivalued, you must specify multivalued.


This example sets the id, grade and (multivalued) label fields of the StudentData custom schema for David Jones.

gam update user 3434380
 StudentData.grade 7
 StudentData.labels multivalued BASEBALL_TEAM
 StudentData.labels multivalued SOCCER_TEAM
 StudentData.labels multivalued HONOR_ROLL

Get User Info


gam info user <email address> [nogroups] [noaliases] [nolicenses] [noschemas] [schemas list,of,schemas] [userview]

retrieve details about the given user. GAM will print out a summary of the user. By default, GAM will retrieve the user's group membership which results in an additional API call. If you do not require this information you can disable it by specifying nogroups. The optional noaliases paremeter prevents GAM from printing out user email aliases. The optional nolicenses parameter prevents GAM from retrieving and printing licenses for the user. The optional noschemas parameter prevents GAM from printing out custom schema information for the user. The optional schemas parameter accepts a list of schema names separated by commas and prints out only those schemas for the user. The optional userview parameter outputs only the information regular users are able to see about the given user, admin only fields are not returned. If you authenticate to GAM as a regular user, you can still run this command with the userview parameter and get back the GAL view of the user.


This example will show information on the user

gam info user rstarr

First Name: Ringo
Last Name: Starr
Is a Super Admin: False
Is Delegated Admin: False
Has Agreed to Terms: True
IP Whitelisted: False
Account Suspended: False
Must Change Password: False
Google Unique ID: 117553266811361050021
Customer ID: C02azef93
Mailbox is setup: True
Included in GAL: False
Creation Time: 2011-08-24T12:08:44.000Z
Last login time: 2013-05-08T16:58:54.000Z
Google Org Unit Path: /Google Users

 protocol: gtalk
 type: work
 primary: True

 protocol: jabber
 type: home

 countryCode: US
 locality: Richmod
 region: VA
 primary: True
 streetAddress: 321 Acme Rd
 postalCode: 03920
 type: work

 sourceIsStructured: False
 type: home
 formatted: 250 Robins Lane, Richmond, VA 03920

 name: Acme Inc.
 title: Product Manager
 symbol: ACME
 primary: True
 location: Richmond Office
 costCenter: 1234
 department: Wafers Division

 description: 2.3 ERA
 name: ACME Softball Team
 title: Pitcher

 type: mobile
 value: 321-654-0987

 type: work
 primary: True
 value: 123-457-7890

 type: manager

 type: spouse

External IDs:
 type: employeeID
 value: 1234567

 type: Frequest Flyer Number
 value: ac321905

Email Aliases:

Non-Editable Aliases:

Custom Schemas:
 Schema: schoolschema
  id: 21760

 Schema: studentdata
  CreditCount: 4.0

 Schema: labels

  2sv <>
  users <>

Delete a User


gam delete user <email address>

delete the given user's account.


This example deletes Pete Best's account

gam delete user pbest

Undelete a User


gam undelete user <email address>

Undeletes a user account deleted in the last 5 days. In order to undelete a user, there must not be any other users or groups with conflicting primary or alias email addresses. See Google's Restore a recently deleted user documentation for more help.

Transfer Drive Documents


gam user <email address> transfer drive <email address>

Transfer the ownership of all of a user's drive documents and folders (preserving folder hierarchy). A folder is created in the target user's drive in the format orig.owner@domain old files. This is particularly useful to ensure that shared drive documents and folders are preserved prior to deleting a user account.


This example transfers all of the drive files from to

gam user transfer drive


Create a Group


gam create group <group email> [name <Group Name>] [description <Group Description>]

create a group. Group Name and Description are optional and set the groups full name and description. Use quotes around them if they contain spaces. If the Google Groups for Business (user-managed groups) service is enabled for the Google Apps domain, additional groups security settings are available and can be set with the same GAM command as described on the Groups Settings page.


This example creates a group:

gam create group

This example creates a group and sets max message size to 25mb

gam create group maxmessagebytes 25m

Update and Rename a Group


gam update group <group email> [name <Group Name>]
 [description <Group Description>]
 [email <new email address>]

modifying a groups name, description or email address. When changing a group's email address, the new address must not already be in use.

When renaming a group, the group's old address is retained as an alias to ensure continuous mail delivery. (Note: verified on 2015-01-10.) If you prefer not to have the alias in place after the rename, you'll need to Delete the Alias.

If the Google Groups for Business (user-managed groups) service is enabled for the Google Apps domain, additional groups security settings are available and can be set with the same GAM command as described on the Groups Settings page.


This example modifies the group, changing it's name and description

gam update group beatles
 name "The Beatles Rock Band"
 description "British Invasion Band"

This example modifies the group, changing it's description and allowing posters from other domains.

gam update group beatles
 name "The Beetles"
 allow_external_members true

Add Members, Managers, Owners to a Group


gam update group <group email>
 add owner|member|manager
  {user <email address> | group <group address> | org <org name> | file <file name> | all users}

add members, owners or managers to a group. You can specify a single user, a group of users, an org of users, a file with users (one per line), or "all users" for all users in Google Apps.


This example adds a manager to the group

gam update group beatles add manager user

This example adds all members in the Google Apps domain to a group

gam update group everyone add member all users

Update Members, Managers, Owners in a Group


gam update group <group email>
 update owner|member|manager
  {user <email address> | group <group address> | org <org name> | file <file name> | all users}

update members, owners or managers in a group. You can specify a single user, a group of users, an org of users, a file with users (one per line), or "all users" for all users in Google Apps. The specified users who are already a member of the group will have their membership type changed to the specified level.


This example makes a user who is currently a manager of a group an owner

gam update group beatles update owner user

Sync Members, Managers, Owners to a Group


gam update group <group email>
 sync owner|member|manager
  {user <email address> | group <group address> | org <org name> | file <file name> | all users}

Adds/removes users from the specified group in order to sync membership with the specified entity. The sync operation should result in a minimal amount of API calls when some of the specified users are already in the group. When adding users, their membership type (member, manager, owner) will be set as specified in the command but existing members not being removed will not see their membership type change.


This example syncs the group membership with the "Students" Org Unit in Google.

gam update group sync member org "Students"

This example syncs the group membership with the "Faculty" Org Unit and sub orgs in Google.

gam update group sync member ou_and_children "Faculty"

Remove Users from a Group


gam update group <group email>
 remove {user <email address> | group <group address> | org <org name> | file <file name> | all users}

Remove users from the given group. The users are completely removed from the group whether they were a member, owner or manager.


This command removes a user from a group.

gam update group students remove user

this example removes all current members from a group

gam update group remove group

Remove Members, Managers, Owners from a Group by Role


gam update group <group email> clear [owner] [manager] [member]

Remove users from the given group that have any of the specified roles. If no roles are specified, all members are removed, owners and managers are unaffected.


This command removes all managers from a group.

gam update group clear manager

This command removes all current members from a group, owners and managers are unaffected.

gam update group clear

Get Group Info


gam info group <group email> [noaliases] [groups]

Retrieve information about a given group. The noaliases argument suppresses showing any aliases for the group. The groups argument shows the groups of which this group is a member.


This example will provide information about the group

gam info group beatles

 adminCreated: True
 id: 02ce457m25wwh7z
 allowExternalMembers: false
 whoCanViewMembership: ALL_MANAGERS_CAN_VIEW
 includeInGlobalAddressList: true
 archiveOnly: false
 isArchived: true
 membersCanPostAsTheGroup: true
 allowWebPosting: true
 messageModerationLevel: MODERATE_NONE
 sendMessageDenyNotification: false
 messageDisplayFont: DEFAULT_FONT
 whoCanPostMessage: ALL_IN_DOMAIN_CAN_POST
 spamModerationLevel: ALLOW
 showInGroupDirectory: false
 maxMessageBytes: 25M
 allowGoogleCommunication: true
 member: (user)
 member: (user)
 owner: (user)
 owner: (user)

Delete a Group


gam delete group <group email>

Delete a given group.


This example will delete the group

gam delete group beatles

Email Aliases

Creating an Alias for a User or Group


gam create alias <alias> user|group|target <primary address>

Create an alias for the given user or group. user or group should be specified based on whether the target primary address is a user or group. If it's unknown which it is, target can be specified in which case both will be tried.


This example will create an alias for a user

gam create alias theking user epresley

This example will create an alias for a group

gam create alias the-beatles group beatles

This example will create an alias for target jimmy-hendrix whether it's a user or a group

gam create alias the-jimmy-hendrix target jimmy-hendrix

Updating an Alias


gam update alias <alias> user|group|target <user name>

update an existing alias, changing the user or group it points to.


This example will update an existing alias, pointing it at another user

gam update alias ceo user sbalmer

Retrieving Alias Information


gam info alias <alias>

retrieve information about the given alias.


This example will retrieve information about the alias

gam info alias president

Alias: president
User: bobama

Deleting an Alias


gam delete alias <alias>

removes an alias.


This example will remove the alias salesteam

gam delete alias salesteam

Determine if an Email Address is a User, Alias or Group


gam whatis <email address>

determines if the given email address is a user, alias, group or group alias and prints out information about the given resource.


This example looks up and determines that it is an alias.

gam whatis is not a user... is an alias

 Alias Email:
 User Email:


Add a Domain


gam create domain <domain>

Adds the given domain as a secondary Google Apps domain.


This example adds as a secondary domain.

gam create domain

Add a Domain Alias


gam create domainalias <domainalias> <parentdomain>

Adds a given domain as an alias of another given parent domain. The parent domain must be an existing primary or secondary domain (yes, alias domains can now point at secondary domains).


This example adds as an alias of

gam create domainalias

This example adds as an alias of

gam create domainalias

Changing the Primary Domain


gam update domain <domain> primary

Makes the given domain the new primary domain. The given domain must already exist as a verified secondary domain. At the same time the domain is promoted to primary, the old primary domain will become a secondary domain. Alias domains that point at the current or new primary domains will continue to point at the same domain. Users, groups and aliases with addresses in either domain will not have their address changed.

Note: please read Google's help article for further considerations when changing your primary domain.


This example makes the new primary domain. which was the primary domain will become a secondary domain.

gam update domain primary

Get Domain Info


gam info domain <domain>

Get information about a given domain. The domain must be a primary or secondary domain.


This example shows information about

gam info domain
verified: True
creationTime: 2014-12-19 10:05:24
isPrimary: True

Get Domain Alias Info


gam info domainalias <domainalias>

Gets information about a given domain alias.


This example shows information about

gam info domainalias
verified: False
creationTime: 2015-09-12 11:08:55

Delete a Domain


gam delete domain <domain>

Deletes a given domain.


This example deletes the secondary domain

gam delete domain

Delete a Domain Alias


gam delete domainalias <domainalias>

Deletes a given domain alias.


This example deletes the domain alias

gam delete domainalias

Mobile Devices

Perform Wipe, Approve and Other Actions on Mobile Devices


gam update mobile <mobile id>
 action wipe|account_wipe|approve|block|cancel_remote_wipe_then_activate|cancel_remote_wipe_then_block

Perform the given action on a mobile device. The mobile id must be specified and can be found by listing all mobile devices. wipe will tell the mobile device to perform a full data reset on next sync. account_wipe will only remove the user's Google account and associated data from the device. approve will allow the device to sync with Google Apps. block will block sync attempts from the device. cancel_remote_wipe_then_activate and cancel_remote_wipe_then_block will cancel a remote wipe and then set the status to approved or blocked accordingly.


This example will wipe the given device.

gam update mobile AFiQxQ8n8E7HjDsk13hHSoAIfF6NE78bUsfqjXkrLquNnBo5OyJrn7tR1bnKJmeaT7a_o_hElS1blK0nvNfxOCBnR-Wa5VE9VBbUOzEwK4w-Ik61wkrmtlo action wipe

Get Info on a Mobile Device


gam info mobile <mobile id>

Print info about the given mobile device.


gam info mobile AFiQxQ8n8E7HjDsk13hHSoAIfF6NE78bUsfqjXkrLquNnBo5OyJrn7tR1bnKJmeaT7a_o_hElS1blK0nvNfxOCBnR-Wa5VE9VBbUOzEwK4w-Ik61wkrmtlo

 status: APPROVED
 lastSync: 2013-03-31T01:05:52.164Z
 name: John Smith
 firstSync: 2013-03-29T01:03:54.990Z
 resourceId: AFiQxQ8n8E7HjDsk13hHSoAIfF6NE78bUsfqjXkrLquNnBo5OyJrn7tR1bnKJmeaT7a_o_hElS1blK0nvNfxOCBnR-Wa5VE9VBbUOzEwK4w-Ik61wkrmtlo
 deviceId: android946305472025
 userAgent: Android/4.2.2-EAS-1.3,gzip(gfe)
 model: Unknown
 os: Unknown

Delete a Mobile Device


gam delete mobile <mobile id>

Deletes the given mobile device. Note that this does not break the device's sync, it simply removes it from the list of devices connected to the domain. If the device still has a valid login/authentication, it will be added back on it's next successful sync.


This example deletes the given mobile device.

gam delete mobile AFiQxQ8n8E7HjDsk13hHSoAIfF6NE78bUsfqjXkrLquNnBo5OyJrn7tR1bnKJmeaT7a_o_hElS1blK0nvNfxOCBnR-Wa5VE9VBbUOzEwK4w-Ik61wkrmtlo

Chrome OS Devices

Updating Chrome OS Devices


gam update cros <device id>
 [user <user info>] [location <location info>]
 [notes <notes info>] [ou <new org unit>] [assetid <asset id>]

Updates information about the given Chrome OS device. can be determined using the gam print cros command. user, location, notes and assetid information is optional. ou is optional and allows the Chrome device to be moved to a new Google organizational unit, changing the policies that will be applied to the device.


This example will update the user, location, notes and asset id for the given Chromebook.

gam update cros 647cf127-ab85-4c2b-b07e-63ad1b705c19 user location "Richmond Office" notes "tracking ID #329234" assetid 1234567890

This example moves the Chrome device into a OU configured for Kiosk / Public Session mode.

gam update cros 647cf127-ab85-4c2b-b07e-63ad1b705c19 ou "Kiosk Chromebooks"

Getting Info About a Chrome OS Device


gam info cros <device id>

Print out information about the given Chrome OS device.


This example will print out information about the given Chromebook.

gam info cros 647cf127-ab85-4c2b-b07e-63ad1b705c19

 status: ACTIVE
 lastSync: 2013-03-28T23:40:00.014Z
 lastEnrollmentTime: 2013-02-23T20:03:35.332Z
 orgUnitPath: /Chromebooks
 notes: Jay's Chromebook
 serialNumber: HY3A91ECA01698
 bootMode: Verified
 deviceId: 647cf127-ab85-4c2b-b07e-63ad1b705c19
 platformVersion: 3701.62.0 (Official Build) beta-channel daisy
 osVersion: 26.0.1410.40
 firmwareVersion: Google_Snow.2695.117.0

Resource Calendars

Creating a Resource Calendar


gam create resource <id> <Common Name>
 [description <description>] [type <type>]

create a calendar resource. id is the short name of the calendar and is used to identify it. Common Name is a longer more detailed name, use quotes around the common name if it contains spaces. The optional argument description allows you enter further details about the calendar resource. The optional argument type allows you to classify the resource. For details on using the type argument to organize your resource calendars, see Google's guidance on organizing resource calendars.


This example will create a calendar resource

gam create resource business-calendar "Acme Inc. Business Calendar"

This example will create a calendar with optional attributes

gam create resource ed101 "ED101 Conference Room" description "Conference Room containing conference phone, whiteboard and projector" type "Conference Room"

Updating a Resource Calendar


gam update resource <id> [name <Name>]
 [description <Description>] [type <Type>]

update a calendar resource. Required argument id is the short name of the calendar and is used to identify it. Optional argument name is the resources Common Name and allows you to change the resource calendar name that users see. The optional argument description allows you enter further details about the calendar resource. The optional argument type allows you to classify the resource. For details on using the type argument to organize your resource calendars, see Google's guidance on organizing resource calendars.


This will update the calendar resource, changing the common name, description and type

gam update resource board-room name "Board Room 1" description "Board Room #1 with 25 seats and projector" type "Conference Room"

Retrieving Resource Calendar Information


gam info resource <id>

retrieve information for a calendar resource. Required argument id is the short name of the calendar and is used to identify it.


gam info resource ed101
 Resource ID: ed101
 Common Name: ED101 Conference Room
 Type: Conference Room

Deleting a Resource Calendar


gam delete resource <id>

delete a calendar resource. Required argument id is the short name of the calendar and is used to identify it.


gam delete resource ed101