The TRate_rl program computes "rate" of each transcript according to given coverage file. Transcripts are coded by coordinates of their exons (bed file for now, gtf/gff in future). Rate is computed as total mass of exons within the transcript divided by 2X of read length (similar to ...). Mass is taken as approximation of the area under coverage curve, i.e. sum of areas of coverage rectangles.
The TRate program takes in three arguments in fixed order.
- Exons_file - coordinate sorted bed file that provides locations of exons for the corresponding transcript provided in column 4.
Exons_file format example
C0000570 10420 10640 Transcript1
C0000570 128078 128167 Transcript2
C0000570 128290 128405 Transcript2
C0000571 72845 73133 Transcript3
C0000571 73211 73274 Transcript3
- Coverage_file - coordinate sorted file in bedgraph format - it can contain coverage data (usually normalized) from RNAseq study, ChIPseq, ATACseq and so on.
Coverage_file format example
C0000570 10481 10549 0.310587
C0000570 10579 10610 0.41057
C0000570 128288 128293 1.105
- Read length (for single end libraries) and doubled read length for paired end libraries (e.g. 300 for paired end reads of length 150)
Download TRate_rl
cd TRate_rl
In file edit path to TRate_rl folder, e.g.
./ ./data/Exons_file.sbed ./data/ 300
Output will be in a file Coverage_file.rate_rl
Output format
Transcript1 0.341895
Transcript2 1.98961
Transcript3 0
Transcript rate = 0 if no coverage data were found for this transcript.