Teensy 3.2 analog emulation drum machine.
Supposedly all of the design artifacts will wind up in here.
If it's not here, go check the ol' synth-drum repo. It's a mess, be warned.
- /chassis/ files for the cheek blocks & control panel
- /TeensyBoomVoiceLibrary/ source files for the Teensy-audio-based library
- /TeensyBoom/ the sketch files for the sequencer and stuff
- /demo-patterns/ Some pattern files captured after playing with the sequencer a bit. For use when you get sick of the default pattern.
- /Documentation/ ha ha.
Developed using Arduino IDE 1.6.5. Last time I tried a newer built, it rebuilt everything everytime I clicked 'go.'
Loading using Teensy Loader 1.28.
Copy the TeensyVoiceLibrary files to your local Arduino library directory (for me , it's C:\Users\redacted\Documents\Arduino\libraries\TeensyBoomVoiceLibrary).
Remove or rename the AudioSynthSimpleDrum in the teensy audio directory (C:\Users\byron.jacquot\Documents\Arduino\libraries\Audio\synth_simple_drum.cpp and .h). The Boom library contains a newer version.
I've been building for 72 MHz, non-optimized, with the assumption that we can always bump up to optimization & overclocking if we run out of resources. It's harder to go the other way!
This product is open source!
Please review the LICENSE.md file for license information.
Distributed as-is; no warranty is given.
It heavily leverages all of the infrastructure developed by PJRC.com. Please support them by purchasing genuine Teensy components! Alibaba Teensys aren't Teensies!