- Visit this URL - https://github.com/timomitchel/direwolf - click the fork button
- In your terminal: cd into a directory that you want this repo to live in
- Paste this into your terminal:
git clone https://github.com/your_username/direwolf.git
- THIS LINK WILL NOT WORK - replace "your_username" with your username - Open the repo in your text editor - Assuming you have the shell command -
atom .
||sublime .
- CMD + P - Fuzzy Finder - Quick jump to files
- CMD + D - Selects current word and all subsequent matches
- CMD + CTRL + G - Selects all occrurences
- CMD + F - Brings up search box and searches file
- CMD + shift + F - Searches entire Repo
- CTRL + G - Goto line number
- CMD + X - Cursor can be anywhere - Cuts entire line
- CMD + C, CMD + V - Copy the line you're on and paste it to a new line below
- CMD Z - Undo
- CTRL + U - Delete all text
- CMD + K - Clear Terminal - Move Cursor to top
- history - See all commands typed in this shell
git add -p -Patch through changes to organize your staging
git config --global alias.alias "config --get-regexp ^alias."
git config --global alias.st status
git alias
hub browse
hub compare