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Source code for art installation Laastutabloo in Estonian National Museum.

Released here for self documentation and educational purposes.


Start with fresh Ubuntu 20.04

Setup operating system

sudo timedatectl set-timezone Europe/Tallinn
sudo apt update
sudo apt install -y docker-compose apache2-utils
sudo mkdir /opt/laastutabloo
cd /opt && git clone
cd laastutabloo

Change usernames and passwords in .env

nano .env

Check configuration

  • Configuration for datasets, providers and scripts are imported during setup.
  • Check config/datasets/ for public datasets.
  • Create file config/datasets_private.json for private datasets. This file is not version controlled.

Create user to access admin interface:

htpasswd -c config/nginx/htpasswd username

Initialize system


Create service and enable for starting on boot

sudo cp config/laastutabloo.service /etc/systemd/system/
sudo systemctl enable laastutabloo

Start the system

sudo systemctl start laastutabloo

Access admin interface here

Access public web interface here

Success!! Your server should be oprational!

Operational tools

Check logs for backend

docker-compose logs -f --tail=50 datastore scrapyd

Check logs for curator

docker-compose logs -f --tail=50 curator

Restart all processes

sudo systemctl restart laastutabloo

Restart specific containers

docker-compose restart curator
docker-compose restart nginx

Restart and run curator

docker-compose stop curator
docker-compose up curator

Start with all ports public for debugging

docker-compose run --service-ports

Making backups

Export datasets from database to JSON

docker-compose run datastore python3 /opt/laastutabloo/backend/datastore/ --output /output --providers --scripts --queries datasets2  

Commit all changes in datasets to git

git add /opt/laastutabloo/output/*
git commit -m "backup config"
git pull
git push

Copy private datasets to your computer
