This is the third lab in the series of 3 lab projects designed to introduce Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) as a base for Machine Learning. Note that these series do not feature any Machine Learning, only MAS and some basic strategy adjustment based on communication between agents. I completed these labs in my OO Programming, Data Structures, and Algorithms class.
Here is a short description of what exactly this program does:
This program gives users the menu option to create 4 different types of networks:
Two of the networks are borrowed from predefined examples by Albert-László Barabási in
The third network lets the user pick a number of nodes and the probability of connection between any two nodes
The last network takes the shape of a lattice, where each node has exactly 4 connections
All networks are written to a respective text file in the following format:
1 3 // 1 and 3 connected
1 5 //1 and 5 connected
4 -1 //4 is not connected to anything
This program runs a modified version of the prisoner's dilemma game. There is a user menu available to choose 6 pre-defined modes and 7th custom mode of the game to simulate.