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Research code for the Center of The Neural Basis of Cognition, Pittsburgh PA

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Systems Neuroscience

Neural Constraints on Learning


Learning is the process of creating new activity patterns with groups of neurons. Are some of these activity patterns easier to learn? Are there limits to what a certain population of neurons are capable of exhibiting? If so, what is the nature of these constraints? The experiment involved a Rhesus macaques (Macaca mullatta) controlling a computer cursor by changing neural activity in the primary motor cortex. A brain computer interface (BCI) was used to record neural activity and "specify and alter how neural activity mapped to cursor velocity." The neural activity can be translated to a high dimensional space, the ’Neural space.’ In this space, each dimension represents the activity of a single neuron. ’Activity patterns can create a low dimensional subspace, termed the intrinsic manifold.’ This intrinsic manifold shows the constraints imposed by the current neurocircuitry.

The paper shows that if activity patterns lie within this intrinsic manifold, then they are easily learned and the monkey will be able to ’proficiently move the cursor’ around the screen. The activity patterns that outside this manifold, can be shown to not be learnable (i. e. after hours of practice, this activity cannot be learned). This gives an explanation to why certain activity patterns in the brain are easy to learn if it is a task that is similar to what has already been done, and why other tasks are harder to learn if the brain does not have experience in this domain.

The brain computer interface was used because all the activation of neurons could be directly monitored and only these neurons lead to the activity shown in the experiment.

What is the Within Manifold Perturbation (WMP)? / Outside manifold perturbation (OMP)?

A within manifold perturbation is when the intuitive mapping is perturbed to lie within the intrinsic manifold and an outside manifold perturbation is when the intuitive mapping lie outside the manifold. The WMP maintains the relationship of co-modulation patterns and neural activity but changes the way that neuronal activity is mapped to the control space and by extension, cursor kinematics. The OMP does not maintain the relationship between the intrinsic co-modulation patterns of neurons but also changes cursor kinematics. The performance will be impaired by each perturbation but the question is whether or not the new activity patterns are learnable. Two Rhesus macaques were trained in the experiment to move the cursor by changing the neuronal activity of 81-91 neurons. The neural population activity is represented in the high dimensional neural space. In each time step, neural activity is transferred to the control (or action) space. This is a projected from the intrinsic manifold to cursor kinematics using a Kalman filter.

At the start of the day, the ’intuitive mapping’ was established by using a BCI mapping that the monkey used to control the cursor easily. The neurons were also analyzed to see if they are ’co-modulated’ (i.e. how they fire with the others).

Because of the different nature of the connections of neurons and the co-modulation, the neuronal activity does not uniformly distribute the neural space. Due to this fact, an intrinsic manifold can be described that captures the neural activity in a lower dimensional space. The intuitive mapping lies within this manifold.

What happens when the control space is within or outside this intrinsic manifold?

The learning within the manifold is shown to be learnable within a short amount of time while outside manifold perturbations are shown to not be learnable.

After the perturbation, the learning is immediately impaired, but in the within manifold perturbation, the monkey recovers, which is not shown in the outside manifold perturbation.

The BCI mapping first mapped the neural population activity to the intrinsic manifold using factor analysis, then the cursor kinematics were derived from the intrinsic manifold using a Kalman filter.

Some Alternative explanations
The manifold perturbations were checked to see how far off from the intuitive mapping they lied (cosine distance).

The WMP and OMP were shown to be within the same distance from the intuitive mapping.

Next, they checked to see if the neurons were seen to be in the same direction, (i.e. the new mapping was in the preferred direction for each of the neurons. How is the new control space perturbation defined?

How is the performance/progress defined?


The neurons were recorded from the proximal arm region within the primary motor cortex using 96 channel microelectrode while the monkeys were in a chair with their head fixed.

The spike threshold was set to 3 times the root mean square voltage of the baseline neural activity of a monkey in a dark room.


The calibration block completed each day, the intuitive mapping was established. This mapping was used for 400 trials to establish some baselines. The mapping was then switched to the perturbed mapping and the task was completed again. A pertubation session was the combination of the perturbation and washout blocks.

Experimental sessions

78 sessions were completed which were composed of 30 within manifold perturbations and 48 outside manifold perturbations. The session was thrown out if fewer than 100 trials with the perturbed mapping were attempted.

The cursor appeared on the screen for 300 ms. A juice reward was given for each successfully completed task.


Peristimulus Time Histogram (PSTH)

A PSTH is simply a histogram of neurons firing during a specific interval. This is useful to see how a set of neurons react to a stimulus.


Data: Time sequential data ordered by time step

For: Beginning until End of analysis
bin the data into equal time interval size bins

End For

Tuning Curves

A tuning curves shows the firing rate as a response to a given stimulus and is designed to show how a set of neurons can respond to directional action. This can give insight into the preferred direction of the neurons firing.

Cosine Tuning Curves

Cosine tuning curves are a regression technique where you fit the two parameters, the baseline- (b _ i) and the modulation depth (k _ i). [f _ i = b_ i + k _ i cos ( \theta _ {p, i} - \theta _ m ) \label{eq:firingrates}] [p _ i = \left[ \begin{array}{c} cos( \theta _ {p, i}) \ sin( \theta _{p, i} ) \end{array} \right] \label{eq:coodinates}]

As shown in Equation [eq:firingrates], (f _ i) is the firing rates for a given time step. In order to solve this equation, just switch the coordinate system to that shown in Equation [eq:coodinates].

The MATLAB program, pmdDataSetup should output the movement angle, (\theta _ m) and the firing rates, (f _ i).

Dimensionality Reduction of Neural Data

First use the aforementioned MATLAB program pmdDataSetup to get the angle and firing rates for each of the neurons, then find the mean and the covariance of the samples (See [sec:factoranalysis] for more information about factor analysis).

The motivation for this work is to help aid in spike sorting, where the data is intrinsically high dimensional and you would wish to gain some more insight into the properties of this data.

A simple mathematical representation of neural data would be to define it as follows: [x _ n = \alpha _ n \left[ \begin{array}{c} v _ 1\ v _ 2 \ \vdots \end{array} \right] + \beta_n \left[ \begin{array}{c} v _ 1\ v _ 2 \ \vdots \end{array} \right]]

Where (V) is the canonical waveform (wave thing), (\alpha _ n) is the amplitude and (\beta _ n) is a baseline offset.

If this representation of the neurons are correct, then the degrees of freedom of the neurons is two. In this case, only (\alpha _ n) and (\beta _n) would change.

This would imply that the intrinsic dimensionality of the subspace of the neural firing data would be two. Imagine a plot with the two axes are defined by (\alpha _ n) and (\beta _ n), then two separate neurons would be distinct and each point in the space would be a firing of the neuron.

In reality, these vectors are known and the true dimensionality and number of vectors to define the firing of neural data must be determined in ways described shortly.

You can visualize high dimensional neural data with spike count vectors which simply show the amount a neuron fires in a given amount of time.


There is the issue of finding the optimal decoder for the problem of translating population neural activity patterns to the movement of motor objects such as a cursor on the screen or a robotic arm. PVA is the simplest algorithm since it follows a general approach of weighting certain neural activity based on its firing rates but it ignores factors such as the neurons intrinsic modulation depth ( the the scale of the baseline neural activity fluctuations ) and the baseline neural activity.

How the data is arranged

The point of a decoder is to generate a prediction of the position of the hand movement or the velocity of the hand based on the neural activity in order to create a mapping for BCI control. So, in simple terms, the velocity is a function of the neural firing rate: [[V_x, V_y]= f(FiringRate)]

Linear Regression Decoding

In Linear Regression Decoding, you can use simple linear regression to estimate the angle of the reach target (0 : 45 : 360) or the angular velocity of the hand marker ((\theta \in [0,360])).

To accomplish this we have to split up the data into training and testing classes which will be used to assess generalization of the model.

A simple decoder can regress the high dimensional neural population activity to the target reach angle.

Another regression can directly estimate the x and y velocities of the marker in order to decode the neural activity into cursor velocities.

Population Vector Algorithm

The population vector algorithm takes the preferred direction of the neurons (given by the cosine tuning curve) and calculates the movement directions (velocities?). The equation should make intuitive sense because it is just a weighted sum of the firing rates (how much that neuron is active) and the preferred direction of that neuron. This is a normalized value because (textbf{p_i}) is the defined as:

[p_i &= \left[ \begin{array}{c} cos(\theta _ p)\ sin(\theta _ p) \ \end{array} \right]]

And the overall algorithm can be solved analytically as:

[\hat{m} &= \left[ \begin{array}{c} \hat{m _x} \ \hat{m _y} \ \end{array}\right] &= \frac{\sum ^N _{i=1} f _ i p_i}{\sum ^N _{i=1} f _i }]

Optimal Linear Estimator (OLE)

OLE addresses the limitations of other decoders such as PVA while retaining the same information about the neural population activity, such as modulation depth, baseline and preferred direction. The rates used in this method are calculated differently than PVA such that: [r_i (t) &= \frac{f _i - b_i^D}{k_i} \label{eq:OLErate}]

These values are smoothed so the last 5 time bins are used and averaged. Using this, we can decode the cursor velocity:

[\overrightarrow{v}(t) &= k_s \frac{n_D}{N} \sum _{i=1} ^N r_i (t) \overrightarrow{p _i} ^D \label{eq:OLEdecoder}]

In this case (n_d) is the number of dimensions for the decoder, and N is the number of neurons. (k_s) is used as a speed factor to and typically ranges from 65 to 80.

The trajectories of the cursor (its position) is updated using Euler’s method.


Given by the Cosine Tuning curve we can get the modulation depth, and the preferred direction. From this we calculate Equation [eq:OLErate] and then Equation [eq:OLEdecoder].

Kalman Filter (KF)

A Kalman filter is a recurrent model which that says that the probability of seeing an internal state (Z_i) is related to the previous network dynamics (Z_{i-1}), with some weight matrix (A) and covariance (Q) (guassian noise) (see equation [eq:z]). This model varies from the other relationships in that this is a dynamical model (i.e. it varies with time).

In general, you can write Z in terms of the Z in the previous time step as: [Z_i= N(A Z_{i-1}, Q) \label{eq:z}]

With the inital Z as: [Z_1 = N(\Pi, V) \label{eq:pi}]

In this way, we can write x (the observation) also as a function of Z.


This model employs the Markov Assumption which basically says that the current state is only a function of the previous time step (no other information needs to be used). Or in equation form, Z is a directed set of causally linked events with no events further than one time step influencing the current state. [p(Z_1....Z_T)=p(Z_1) \prod_{t=2} ^T {p(Z_t|Z_{t-1}})] Then, we take the total log probability of all the observations, x, and z’s and take the derivative, and set to 0 with respect to certain parameters, we get (in matrix notation): [A &= (\sum {t=1} ^T Z_t Z{t-1}^T)(\sum {t=1} ^T Z{t-1} Z_{t-1}^T)^{-1} \label{eq:a}] In this situation, the values of Z are known because this is a supervised learning situation, so A can be solved analytically. [Q &= \frac{1}{T-1} \sum {t=1}^T (z_t-Az{t-1})(z_t-Az_{t-1})^T] Using the A derived from the last equation, you can also solve for Q in an analytic fashion. [C= (X Z^T)(X Z^T)^{-1}] Like in Equation [eq:a], this can also be solved directly. [R=\frac{1}{T} (X - CZ)(X-CZ)^{T}] This equation can also be solved for given the model parameters. And the recently derived matrix C.

In this way you have a way to find the probability of (z_t | { x}^t) which represents the probability of the latent z given all of the observations x. This can be written recursively where the (p(z_t|{x}^t) can be written in terms of (p(z_t|{x}^{t-1}). Using all this information, we can derive that [z_t= Az_{t-1} +v_t] [v_t= N(0, Q) \label{eq:v}]

Given this information, we can get the mean and covariance of z given ({ x }^{t-1}).

The overall algorithm is to take the the sum over all trials in training. In this case, that would be tantamount to adding up all the different matrices, A, Q, C, and R over all trials.

Overall, because all the other distributions Z, X are Gaussian the joint distribution of all of them will also be a Gaussian. This means that in to sample over all the trials, we just need to look at the mean ((\mu)) and covariance ((\Sigma)). We can derive (with Bayes Theorem and other statistical logic) that the overall definitions for these variables will be in this recursive form: [\mu_t = \mu_{t-1}+K_t(x_t- C\mu_{t-1}) \label{eq:estimate}] [\Sigma_t=K_tC\Sigma_{t-1}] where, [k_t=\Sigma_{t-1}C^T(C \Sigma_{t-1} C^T+R)^{-1}] It is worth noting that the values of (\Pi) and (V), in the case of multiple trials are just the sample mean and covariance of those values.

In all this, the (\mu) value represents the estimate of the next state (in our case, the next position, and velocity) and (\Sigma) represents the uncertainty about the next state. Equation [eq:estimate] can be read as the best estimate of the current value, plus some Kalman gain ((K_t)) times the uncertainty of the current state.


Research code for the Center of The Neural Basis of Cognition, Pittsburgh PA






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