an adapter enables PICkit 2 with wireless programming ability
Add support to PIC32MM0064GPL028
v2013_06_15: the package created by MPLAB X 3.15
- Microchip MLA v2013-06-15
- PIC32MX250F128B 40/50MHz
- X'tal: 20MHz, Fosc: 48MHz
- Baud Rate 921,600
PK2BL32_pcb.png: the PCB Layout (Preliminary)
- X'tal: 20MHz
- LED1.H: PIC32 running
- LED2.H: USB device attached
- LED3.H/L: PIC32 is receiving commands from PICkit2V2
- HC-06 pinouts: VCC-GND-TX-RX
PICkit2V2S1: modified version to use COM Port to talk to PICkit 2
- HC-06 COM Port: COM4, defined in BT.cs
- Use "Release" mode to run app
- CmdLog.txt, CmdLogScript.txt: logs of commands
This version can also support the following PICs by swapping the PK2DeviceFile.xml file.
- some of PIC32MXs
- dsPIC33EP256MC202
- PIC16F1459
- PIC18LF25K50