The URL list can be easily edited to add and remove relevant RSS feed sources. the included test feed list contains approximately 100 RSS feeds, that typcially produces about 2500 articles. The tools has been test with URL list as large as 10,000 feeds and is able to parse the list in approximately 6 minutes using 30mbps of bandwidth and producing a list of 20,0000 articles.
The output is configurable to save in tab seperated CSV, parquet, pickle and excel formats. The CSV format can be corrupted by special characters in the feeds, the excel format work well; however articles with more than 32,000 characters in the summary will be truncated. The parquet and pickle formats overcome these issues.
The tool is written and tested using Python 3 (3.10 specifically) and uses Python libraries that include: - **Feedparser** This library is used to pull and parse the feeds into articles - **Urllib** This library is used to format the feed requests, append acceptable user-agent type, and gracefully handle connection exceptions. - **Pandas** This library is used to store, manipulate, analyze, save and load data from the filesystem. - SpaCy This library is used to analyze the articles and rank them using a natural language machine learning training model - Concurrent This library is used to parallelize the process of pulling a large number of feeds into individual processes so that a large quantity of URLs and feed articles can be gathered efficiently. Setup Python Install Python 3.10 from the python website ( ). NOTE: Installing Python through Microsoft store will result in issues with installed librariesInstall required libraries using the pip utility. pip install pandas pip install feedparser pip install nltk pip install pyqt5 pip install turtle pip install string pip install hashlib pip install collections import Counter pip install numpy pip install spacy pip install -U scikit-learn pip install pyqt6 pip install pyarrow python -m spacy download en_core_web_md
Setup pip If pip is not recognized, install pip Download PIP Launch a command prompt Run curl -o Installing PIP python
Setup Application Download the rss_harvester file folder. The folder contains the application and supporting configuration data files and sample output files.
Before running the program double check that all items are located within the same folder.
Run python3 Once the application is executed progress will be output to the console. First the URL access and download progress, then the ranking of each article.
The default configuration will save the output to a file named rss_url.csv The file is organized into
Source This column provides the URL that the rss_harvester used to collect the article.
Title This column provides the Title provided by the feed for the article.
Summary This column provides the article primary content.
Link This colum provides a hyperlink to the specific article accessible by browser to support further research
Score This column provides the score produced through correlation with the keyword list ranking. NOTE: That this is the first iteration of a proof of concept and this scoring component requires further testing, analysis and development