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Releases: tio/tio

tio v3.5

29 Jun 10:24
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Changes since tio v3.4:

  • Clarify input and output direction of map flags

  • Rename mapping flag MSB2LSB to IMSB2LSB

    This is the correct naming since we are changing the input bit order on
    input from the serial device.

  • Add OIGNCR mapping flag

    Ignores CR on output to serial device.

  • Fix line input mode ignoring characters ABCD

  • Fix tainted print

Jakob Haufe:

  • Fix typos

tio v3.4

15 Jun 14:30
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Changes since tio v3.3:

  • Update configuration output

  • Clean up script run interaction text

  • Fix unbounded writes

  • Add history and editing feature to line input mode

    Use up and down arrow keys to navigate history.

    Use left and right arrow keys to move cursor back and forth.

    We try mimic the behaviour of GNU readline which we can not use because
    we also need to react to key commands.

  • Reuse socket address

    To avoid having to wait for socket timeout when restarting server.

  • Fix line input mode

    Fix so that ABCD are no longer ignored.

  • Make sure ICRNL, IGNCR, INLCR take effect

  • Include correct header for poll()

  • Add group write permission to xymodem received file

  • Fix missing open() flags in xymodem_receive()

Vyacheslav Patkov:

  • Show current mappings in the configuration printout

  • Use "ctrl-t m" to change mappings interactively

  • Prompt for Lua script or shell command in interactive session

Eliot Alan Foss:

  • Added support to receive XMODEM-CRC files from the connected serial port.

tio v3.3

15 May 06:39
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Changes since tio v3.2:

  • Force destructive backspace when using local echo

    Only takes effect in normal output mode.

  • Fix local-echo in configuration file

  • Clean up includes

  • Force socket write operation to ignore any signals

  • Man page cleanup

tio v3.2

08 May 11:08
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Changes since tio v3.1:

  • Do not print error when using --list with broken config file

  • Clean up completion script

  • Add option '--exec ' for running shell command

    Runs shell command with I/O redirected to device.

  • Make sure all error output is directed to stderr

  • Fix shadow variables

  • Update man page

  • Fix build on older GNU/Linux systems without statx

  • Fix line ending in --list output

  • Print location of configuratin file in --list output

  • Fix alignment of profile listing

tio v3.1

03 May 12:26
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Changes since tio v3.0:

  • Improve --list feature on non-linux platform

  • List available profiles in --list output

  • Always message when saving log file

  • Add support for using TID as device in config file

  • Fix use of invalid flag with regexec()

  • Fix potential buffer overflow in match_and_replace()

  • Fix profile autocompletion

  • Remove inih dependency from CI builds

  • Replace use of stat() with fstat()

    For better security.

  • Fix hexN output mode

  • Update pattern matching example

  • Fix submenu response when invalid key hit

  • Replace inih with glib key file parser

    After including the use of glib we might as well replace inih
    with the glib key file parser.

    All configuraiton file parsing has been reworked and also the options
    parsing has been cleaned up, resulting in better and stricter
    configuration file and option value checks.

    Compared to old, configuration files now requires any default
    configurations to be put in a group/section named [default].

    Configuration file keywords such as "enable", "disable", "on",
    "off", "yes", "no", "0", "1" have been retired. Now only "true" and
    "false" apply to boolean configuration options. This is done to simplify
    things and avoid any confusion.

    The pattern option feature has been reworked so now the user can now
    access the full match string and any matching subexpression using the
    %mN syntax.

    For example:

    [usb devices]
    pattern = usb([0-9]*)
    device = /dev/ttyUSB%m1

    Then when using tio:
    $ tio usb12

    %m0 = 'usb12' // Full match string
    %m1 = 12 // First match subexpression

    Which results in device = /dev/ttyUSB12

  • Remove CircleCI

    Replaced with github workflow CI.

  • Add github workflow for Ubuntu build

  • Enable extended pattern matching

    So that the exclude options can also work as include using special
    pattern syntax.

    For example, to only include /dev/ttyUSB* devices simply do:

    $ tio --exclude-devices=!(/dev/ttyUSB*) --list

    See the man page of fnmatch() for all available extended pattern

  • Update lua read() description

Rui Chen:

  • fix: add build patch for FNM_EXTMATCH

  • feat: add macos workflow

  • fix: add macos build patch for fs_get_creation_time

tio v3.0

29 Apr 14:26
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Changes since tio v2.8:

  • Simplify lua line manipulation API

    Collapses lua high(), low(), toggle(), config_high(), config_low(),
    config_apply() into one simple function:

    set{<line>=<state>, ...}

    Line can be any of DTR, RTS, CTS, DSR, CD, RI.

    State is high, low, or toggle.

    script = set{DTR=high, RTS=low}; msleep(100); set{DTR=low, RTS=high}; msleep(100); set{RTS=low}

    Notice the use of {} instad of () when calling the set function. This is
    required to pass parameters by name in lua.

  • Disable DEC Special Graphics at exit if vt100

    If a vt100 terminal receives the Shift In character '\016' it will
    enable the 7 bit DEC Special Graphics character set used for line drawing.

    For most users this can happen due to line noise from the tty device and
    will likely mess up your terminal even after tio exits.

    To better handle this we want to make sure that tio disables this mode
    by sending the Shift Out character '\017' at exit.

    This mechanism will only activate if environment variable TERM assumes
    value "vt100".

  • Add hexN output mode

    Adds support for hexN mode where N is a number in the range 1 to 4096
    which defines how many hex values will be printed before a line break.

    In short, it defines the width of the hex output.

    In this mode, if timestamps are enabled they will be added to each hex

  • Rename sub-config to profile

    Because better naming.

  • Use lua io.write() instead of print()

    io.write() gives better output control as print() is hardcoded to always
    print a newline.

  • Add new ways to manage serial devices

    • Rename --list-devices to --list

    • Rename --no-autoconnect to --no-reconnect

    • Switch -l and -L options

      • -l now lists available serial devices

      • -L enables log to file

    • Add option --auto-connect

      • Supported strategies:

        • "new" - Waits to connect first new appearing serial device

        • "latest" - Connects to latest registered serial device

        • "direct" - Connect directly to specified serial device (default)

    • Add options to exclude serial devices from auto connect strategy by

      • Supported exclude options:

        • --exclude-devices

          Example: '--exclude-devices "/dev/ttyUSB2,/dev/ttyS?"'

        • --exclude-drivers

          Example: '--exclude-drivers "cdc_acm"'

        • --exclude-tids

          Example: '--exclude-tids "yW07,bCC2"'

        • Patterns support '*' and '?'

    • Connect to same port/device combination via unique topology ID (TID)

      • Topology ID is a 4 digit base62 encoded hash of a device topology
        string coming from the Linux kernel. This means that whenever you
        plug in the same e.g. USB serial port device to the same USB hub
        port connected via the exact same hub topology all the way to your
        computer, you will get the same unique TID.

      • Useful for stable reconnections when serial device has no serial
        device by ID

      • For now, only tested on Linux.

    • Reworked and improved listing of serial devices to show serial devices:

      • By device

        • Including TID, uptime, driver, and description.

        • Sorted by uptime (newest device listed last)

      • By unique topology ID

      • By ID

      • By path

    • Add script interface 'list = tty_search()' for searching for serial

  • Clean up timestamp enum definition

  • Add missing options to show configuration

  • Update description of mute option

  • Add lua read_string() function

  • Don't forget to log output in lua expect()

  • Generalize automatic login example for Linux

  • Fix log output in hex output mode

  • Add timeout based timestamps in hex output mode

    This change reintroduces timestamping in hex output mode but based on
    timeout instead of new lines which made no sense. This means that
    timestamps will only be printed when timeout time has elapsed with no
    output activity from serial device.

    Adds option --timestamp-timeout for setting the timeout value in

    Defaults to 200 ms.

  • Improve switched messages

  • Extend lua expect() to also return matched string

  • Add automatic login script example

  • Organize examples directory

  • Introduce basic line input mode

  • Cleanup global variable name shadowing

Davis C:

  • Updated login example with new expect logic

  • Reset buffer size at start of expect

  • Return 1 when expect matches

tio v2.8

14 Apr 16:11
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Changes since tio v2.7:

  • Rework resolve_config_file()

  • Rework line_pulse_duration_option_parse()

    Introduce proper sscanf() checks.

  • Rework rs485_parse_config()

    Introduce proper sscanf() checks.

  • Clean up file descriptor name shadowing

  • Add missing header guard

  • Upgrade inih subproject

  • Remove options --response-wait, --response-timeout

    Remove options and rework input handling so it is possible to do the
    same thing but via script which is much more flexible.

    These options were always a bit of a hardcoded solution. With the new
    script expect feature we can wait for any type of response.

    For example, pipe command to serial device and wait for line response within 1 second:

    $ echo "*IDN?" | tio /dev/ttyACM0 --script "expect('\r\n', 1000)" --mute

  • Add lua exit(code)

  • Add timeout feature to expect()

  • Add lua expect(string)

    Add simple expect functionality.

    The expect(string) function will wait for input from the tty device and
    only return when there is a string match. Regular expressions are


    script = expect('password:'); send('my_password\n')

  • Add lua send(string)

  • Add lua modem_send(file,protocol)

  • Fix xymodem error print outs

  • Rework x/y-modem transfer command

    Remove ctrl-t X optin and instead introduce submenu to ctrl-t x option
    for picking which xmodem protocol to use.

  • Update README

  • Cleanup options

  • Add independent input and output mode

    Replaces -x, --hexadecimal option with --intput-mode and --output-mode
    so it is possible to select hex or normal mode for both input and output

    To obtain same behaviour as -x, --hexadecimal use the following

    input-mode = hex
    output-mode = hex

  • Fix file descriptor handling on MacOS

  • Add tty line configuration script API

    On some platforms calling high()/low() to switch line states result in
    costly system calls whick makes it impossible to swith two or more tty
    lines simultaneously.

    To help solve this timing issue we introduce a tty line state
    configuration API which can be used instead of using

    Using config_low(line) and config_high(line) one can set up a new line
    state configuration for multiple lines and then use config_apply() to
    finally apply the configuration. This will result in only one system
    call to instruct the serial port drive to switch all the configured line
    states which should help ensure that the lines are switched


    script = config_high(DTR); config_low(RTS); config_apply()

  • Add ONULBRK mapping flag

    Add ONULBRK mapping to map nul (zero) to send break signal on output.

    This is useful if one needs to e.g. send the break signal to the tty
    device when connected via socket.

  • Add --log-directory option

    For specifying directory path in which to save automatically named log

  • Add Lua scripting feature

    Add support for running Lua scripts that can manipulate the tty control
    lines. Script is activated automatically on connect or manually via in
    session key command.

    The Lua scripting feature opens up for many posibilities in the future
    such as adding expect like functionality to easily and programatically
    interact with the connected device.

  • Invert line states to reflect true electrical level

  • Add support for disabling prefix key handling

    To disable prefix key input handing simply set prefix-ctrl-key to

    Based on original patch from Sebastian Krahmer.

  • Add meson man pages install option

    Defaults to installing man pages.


  • Poll on serial port read instead of delay.

  • Add Xmodem-CRC support.

  • CYGWIN: Fix port auto connection.

Mingjie Shen:

  • Check return values of sscanf()

    Failing to check that a call to 'sscanf' actually writes to an output
    variable can lead to unexpected behavior at reading time.

Jakob Haufe:

  • Support NO_COLOR env variable as per

  • Fix troff warning

    .eo/.ec sections seemingly need explicit empty lines using .sp

    Otherwise, troff complains:

    troff::535: warning: expected numeric expression, got ''
    troff::538: warning: expected numeric expression, got ''
    troff::541: warning: expected numeric expression, got ''

Fredrik Svedberg:

  • Add map FF to ESC-c on input

    Added map of form feed to ESC-c on input for terminals that
    do not clear screen on ^L but do on ESC-c.


  • Add CodeQL Workflow for Code Security Analysis


  • Fix double call of tty_disconnect() on macOS/Darwin.

tio v2.7

21 Sep 05:46
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Changes since tio v2.6:

Paul Ruizendaal:

  • Add xmodem and ymodem file send support


  • tty_stdin_input_thread(): write to pipe only if byte_count > 0.

  • Ignore EINTR error.

  • CYGWIN: Add support for "COM*" naming.

Wes Koerber:

  • chore: reorder log-strip and log-append

    reorder to maintain consistency with documentation

  • chore: update readme, bash completion, man page

  • fix: support --log-append in cli options

tio v2.6

10 Jun 11:08
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Changes since tio v2.5:

  • Remove warning when using pattern option

  • Add --log-append option

    Add --log-append option which makes tio append to any existing log file.

    This also changes the default behaviour of tio from appending to
    overwriting any existing log file. Now you have to use this new option
    to make tio append.

  • Update man page

  • Update README

  • Fix line termination for response wait feature

    The response wait feature waited for a line response, a string
    terminated with either CR or NL. However, some devices may send a CR and
    then their line content and then NL. This means tio will quit before
    receiving and printing the line response. To solve this we simply ignore
    the CR character and only consider lines terminated with a NL character.

    This should work for all devices as lines are AFAIK always terminated
    with either CRNL or a NL.

  • Update tty device listing configuration

    Cleanup and add FreeBSD tty device listing support.

Braden Young:

  • Move map variables to tty to keep them all in one spot

  • Configure socket mapping flags from tty parsing logic. Remove duplicate parsing logic in socket

  • Support input mapping modes for sockets

Josh Soref:

  • Various spelling fixes

Peter van Dijk:

  • avoid "warning: unused parameter" on setspeed stub

  • use right /dev/ path on Haiku

Bill Hass:

  • Update README with details on snap confinement

tio v2.5

17 Dec 16:15
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Changes since tio v2.4:

  • Update configuration file documentation

    Rename .tiorc to .tioconfig, tiorc to config, etc.

  • Add support for $HOME/.tioconfig

    Replaces what used to be $HOME/.tiorc

  • Fix double prefix key regression

Vyacheslav Patkov:

  • Better error checking in config file, rename the file

    Accept "true", "enable", "on", "yes", "1" as true values, their
    counterparts as false ones. Check integer values for errors and range.
    Warn about ignored (e.g. misspelled) options.

    Check getenv() return value for NULL.

    Rename "tiorc" to "config", as it's a static INI file, not an executable
    "run commands".