This project was generated using Nx.
Nx supports many plugins which add capabilities for developing different types of applications and different tools.
Run nx g @nrwl/react:app webcomponents
to generate an application.
Run nx g @nrwl/react:lib ui/search
to generate a library.
You can also use any of the plugins above to generate libraries as well.
Libraries are shareable across libraries and applications. They can be imported from @catalogue/mylib
Run nx serve catalogue
for a dev server. Navigate to http://localhost:4200/. The app will automatically reload if you
change any of the source files.
cd libs/ui/search/
nx g @nrwl/react:component search-graph --export
to generate a new component.
Run nx build my-app
to build the project. The build artifacts will be stored in the dist/
directory. Use
the --prod
flag for a production build.
For custom public path, update .env
properties and then use:
nx serve --baseHref=/browsing/
NX_CATALOGUE_API_ENDPOINT= NX_BASE_URL=/hub/ nx build catalogue --baseHref=/hub/
Analyze bundle:
nx run catalogue:build:production --statsJson
npm analyze:app
npm lint-all
Run nx test catalogue
to execute the unit tests via Jest.
Run nx affected:test
to execute the unit tests affected by a change.
Run ng e2e catalogue
to execute the end-to-end tests via Cypress.
nx e2e catalogue-e2e --watch
Run nx affected:e2e
to execute the end-to-end tests affected by a change.
Run nx dep-graph
to see a diagram of the dependencies of your projects.