Repository for my personal website powered by Silex and some Zend2 packages
- ZendPdf - Generation of a PDF for a blog post
- ZendFeed - Generation of RSS Feed on blog
- ZendPaginator - Pagination of the blog posts, music videos and photos
- ZendSoap - Soap webservice for requesting a blog post
- ZendServiceFlickr - integration of the Flickr api
- ZendGData - integration of the YouTupe api
- DomCrawler and CssSelector - parse the XML files
- Form and Validator - contact form
- And the ones used by Silex
- Twig - template language
- SwiftMailer - e-mail errors and contacts
- JavaScript: JQuery, Prettify and Masonry
- CSS: TwitterBootstrap
- Using HttpCache for reverse proxy
- Rich snippets are used in my profile page
Using ansible recipes for deploying project. Make sure you have an ssh config setting pointing to the server by the name of titomiguelcosta. And then execute:
ansible-playbook -i ansible/inventories/production/hosts ansible/webservers.yaml