Writes objects without class
, but in the prototype way.
npm install --save proto-scope
Here is a demo of using it:
proto = require 'proto-scope'
- Inherent
Passing object to proto.as
to create sub-class,
passing object to proto.new
to create instance:
human = proto.as
init: -> @name = 'human race'
give_name: (@name) ->
introduce: -> console.log "this is #{@name}"
tom = human.new()
tom.introduce() # => "this is human race"
man = human.as
speak: ->
print 'speaks by', @name
dan = man.new()
dan.give_name 'Dan'
dan.introduce() # => "this is Dan"
dan.speak() # => "speaks by Dan"
- Super
a = proto.as
init: ->
console.log 'this is a'
b = a.as
init: ->
console.log 'this is b'
c = b.new
init: ->
console.log 'this is c'
the difference between new
and as
is: new
contains @init?()
module.exports =
as: (object) ->
o = object or {}
o.__proto__ = @
new: (object) ->
o = @as object
Also, we my need super
, so dirty code comes:
module.exports =
as: (object) ->
o = object or {}
o.__called__ = undefined
o.__proto__ = @
for key, value of o
f = (key, value) ->
if typeof value is 'function'
if key in ['as', 'new', 'super']
o[key] = (args...) ->
o.__called__ = key
value.apply o, args
o[key].toString = ->
f key, value
super: ->
Read this for more details: http://javascript.info/tutorial/inheritance Also available for JavaScript if you like that kind of life style...
This can not be widely used, since __proto__
is not supported in some platforms.
Actually there are some problems implementing OOP with prototype,
and more people choose using class
, but prototype is a simple concept.
This is kind of syntax from Lua: http://www.lua.org/pil/16.1.html
function Account:new (o)
o = o or {} -- create object if user does not provide one
setmetatable(o, self)
self.__index = self
return o