Project Occam is a power control, provisioning, and management application designed to deploy both bare-metal and virtual computer resources. Occam provides broker plugins for integration with third party such as Puppet.
This is a 0.x release, so the CLI and API is still in flux and may change. Make sure you read the release notes before upgrading
Project Occam is versioned with semantic versioning, and we follow the precepts of that document. Right now that means that breaking changes are permitted to both the API and internals, although we try to keep compatibility as far as reasonably possible.
We really want Occam to be simple to contribute to, and to ensure that you can get started quickly. A big part of that is being available to help you figure out the right way to solve a problem, and to make sure you get up to speed quickly.
You can always reach out and ask for help:
- by email or through the web on the mailing list. (membership is required to post.)
- by IRC, through #puppet-occam on freenode.
If you want to help improve Occam directly we have a fairly detailed CONTRIBUTING guide in the repository that you can use to understand how code gets in to the system, how the project runs, and how to make changes yourself.
We welcome contributions at all levels, including working strictly on our documentation, tests, or code contributions. We also welcome, and value, input about your experiences with Project Occam, and provisioning in general, on the mailing list as we discuss how the project should solve problems.
- Razor Overview:
- Razor Session from PuppetConf 2012: Youtube
Follow wiki documentation for installation process:
This is the official list of users with "committer" rights to the Occam project. For details on what that means, see the CONTRIBUTING guide in the repository
If you can't figure out who to contact, Tom McSweeney is the best first point of contact for the project. (Find me at Tom McSweeney
This is a hand-maintained list, thanks to the limits of technology. Please let Tom McSweeney know if you run into any errors or omissions in that list.
- The Occam MicroKernel project:
- The Occam MK images are officially available at:
$OCCAM_HOME: Occam installation root directory.
$OCCAM_RSPEC_WEBPATH: optional rspec HTML output path.
$OCCAM_LOG_PATH: optional Occam log directory (default: ${OCCAM_HOME}/log).
$OCCAM_LOG_LEVEL: optional Occam log output verbosity level:
0 = Debug 1 = Info 2 = Warn 3 = Error (default) 4 = Fatal 5 = Unknown
Start Occam API with:
cd $OCCAM_HOME/bin
./occam_daemon.rb start
Project Occam is distributed under the Apache 2.0 license. See the LICENSE file for full details.
- Occam Overview:
- Puppet Labs Occam