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Releases: tkellogg/fossil


15 Mar 12:28
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What's Changed

  • New look & feel. Re-wrote the header part of the website, now with a real SVG hamburger menu instead of a literal hamburger 🍔 emoji. Also, a new SVG logo and new display for settings pages.
  • Lots of new hooks for plugins
  • Local stability improvement — Store cache in ~/.cache instead of a temp directory. Some operating systems periodically clear temp files, which put the server into an invalid state until the server was restarted. Meaning that you had to periodically restart the server to keep it functioning. That's fixed now.
  • Resolve issue #6: Publish package on PyPi by @baseely in #22

New Website & App

We now have an official website at as well as an app as a service. You can now choose to pay $4/month to use that instead of running it yourself on your laptop.

New Contributors

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