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Sudharshan TK edited this page Jan 17, 2021 · 9 revisions

Welcome to the G-Index Wiki


Credits Section

Design - Aicirou
Inspired From Netflix xD 😂
Took Some Stuffs from Alpha for setting up this Wiki, So Thanks !!

Demo Site can be Seen Here - Click Here

Here you will find everything you need to get your website up and running with this template:

  • First Know what is a GIndex / Drive Index.
  • About My GIndex.
  • Versions of this GIndex and What to Use.
  • Some Basic Steps Before Setting Up Any G Index.
  • Features of This GIndex.
  • Actual Setting Up of the GIndex.
  • Getting a Free Domain and Setting that up !
  • Configuring Cloudflare Workers to Route to the Domain.
  • Customizations That You Can Do.
  • Updating and Upgrading to Latest Updates.
  • If you are Interested in Developing Your Own. Then Some Basic Steps before Starting.

.....and Goes on.....

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