BSR for Sweet Home 3d allows batch rendering of multiple scenarios from a Yaml
configuration file.
Basically you define your scenarios in a config:
floorplan: myfloorplan.sh3d
output: images
width: 1024 # Default width of all images (will honor expected ratio of camera setting)
timezone: Europe/Amsterdam # Where is the camera?
timestampFormat: dd-MM-yyyy HH:mm:ss
# The default timestamp to render images from
timestamp: 02-09-2020 19:45:00
format: png
- name: daytime
timestamp: 02-09-2020 12:00:00
- name: base
- name: dawn
- name: base
- name: alarm
- name: rgb01_r # override the power of an image
power: 70
- name: rgb02_r
power: 70
Clone this repository:
git clone
You'll need:
- A Java JDK
- Imagemagick (should be on the path,
scoop fixes this automatically
On windows you can easily install a JDK using scoop
scoop add bucket java
scoop install oraclejdk
On windows you can easily install a ImageMagick using scoop
scoop install imagemagick
First startup will take some time (gradle will download all dependencies)
gradlew prepare # This will download sweethome from sourceforge
gradlew runApp -Pconfig=<configuration_file.yaml>
After Sweethome 3d has finished rendering the images, there is a task to generate the overlays:
gradlew generateOverlays -Pconfig=<configuration_file.yaml>