dotfiles have configuration files of following tools:
- tmux
- vim
- zsh
git clone
cd dotfiles
zsh init.zsh
The configuration of vim manages plugins via dein.
For the first use of vim in the configuration, dein installs plugins, which are defined in vim/dein/userconfig/plugins.toml
and vim/dein/userconfig/plugins_lazy.toml
Plugins are modern ones such as ddc, vim-lsp for completion.
Because ddc depends on Deno, it will be installed by init.zsh
Dein in the configuration also installs plugins such as black and vim-indent-guide for assisting writing of Python sources.
In addition, a flake8-based linter is enabled by vim-lsp
My configuration of zsh depends on prezto.
Main configuration based on prezto is written in zpreztorc
Because Python environment is built by pyenv, its configuration is written in zshrc
Whenever opening a terminal, tmux will be automatically started.
Takuya Makino