stHalloween is meant to provide a spooky atmosphere on your server in the spirit of Halloween. It includes various features, as well as trick-or-treating that you can use as an event for the holiday!
- Java 8
- Trick-or-treating, fully configurable
- Play scary sounds to all players at a configurable interval
- Spawn zombies/skeletons with pumpkins for helmets, configurable
- Spawn temporary bats when hitting zombies/skeletons, configurable
- Change the content/color of all plugin messages
- Trick-or-treating can be changed to your liking, like where the doors are, what rewards your players can get, and how often they'll get tricked
- Anything/everything is able to be disabled
- /sth reload
- Sounds
- Enabled: Whether cave sounds should periodically play to everyone online
- Frequency: How often sounds should go off, in minutes
- Bats
- Enabled: Whether 3 bats should be spawned when zombies/skeletons are hit by players
- Invulnerable Time: How long bats should be invulnerable after spawning, in seconds
- Duration: How long bats should live after spawning, in seconds
- Trick-or-Treat
- Enabled: Whether players can trick or treat
- Invulnerable Time: How long villagers/witches should be invulnerable after spawning, in seconds
- Duration: How long villagers/witches should live after spawning, in seconds
- Witch change: Chance of a player being tricked, 10 means a 10/100 or 10% chance
Treats/Tricks Config
- Chance: How many times a trick/treat should be entered into the list of possible tricks/treats, a higher number means a higher chance. Avoid larger numbers as this could lag your server
- Command: Command to run if this trick/treat is chosen
- Name: Display name for the treat
A note about trick-or-treating, players can trick-or-treat at every door once per day, this isn't configurable as it'd be too much of a hassle to really change, and I feel that for most people, it works fine like that.
Doors Config
Example config for the doors section Link
- stHalloween.* (All permissions below)
- stHalloween.reload (Use /sth reload)