A set of utilities for generating digests and handling binary codecs in Scala. Built on top of Apache Commons Codec.
Add the following to your build.sbt
file. The latest version of the library should be in the Maven badge above.
Otherwise you can checkout the artefact listing on mvnrepository.com
libraryDependencies += "au.id.tmm.digest4s" %% "digest4s-core" % "1.0.0"
The simplest way to use the library is with the syntax import:
import au.id.tmm.digest4s.syntax._
import au.id.tmm.digest4s.binarycodecs.syntax._
import org.apache.commons.codec.DecoderException
import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq
// Parse binary encoded Strings safely
val byteArray: Either[DecoderException, ArraySeq[Byte]] = "VXQ2DXQ=".parseBase32
val byteArray: Either[DecoderException, ArraySeq[Byte]] = "reGh3g==".parseBase64
val byteArray: Either[DecoderException, ArraySeq[Byte]] = "11011110101000011110000110101101".parseBinary
val byteArray: Either[DecoderException, ArraySeq[Byte]] = "ADE1A1DE".parseHex
// Parse unsafely, throw if encoding is invalid:
val byteArray: ArraySeq[Byte] = "VXQ2DXQ=".parseBase32OrThrow
val byteArray: ArraySeq[Byte] = "reGh3g==".parseBase64OrThrow
val byteArray: ArraySeq[Byte] = "11011110101000011110000110101101".parseBinaryOrThrow
val byteArray: ArraySeq[Byte] = "ADE1A1DE".parseHexOrThrow
// Use StringContext (throws if invalid)
val byteArray: ArraySeq[Byte] = base32"VXQ2DXQ="
val byteArray: ArraySeq[Byte] = base64"reGh3g=="
val byteArray: ArraySeq[Byte] = binary"11011110101000011110000110101101"
val byteArray: ArraySeq[Byte] = hex"ADE1A1DE"
import au.id.tmm.digest4s.binarycodecs.syntax._
import scala.collection.immutable.ArraySeq
// Encode bytes to String
val bytes: Array[Byte] = Array[Byte](0xad.toByte, 0xe1.toByte, 0xa1.toByte, 0xde.toByte)
bytes.asBase32String // "VXQ2DXQ="
bytes.asBase64String // "reGh3g=="
bytes.asBinaryString // "11011110101000011110000110101101"
bytes.asHexString // "ADE1A1DE"
// Can be used for different collection types
bytes.to(ArraySeq).asHexString // "ADE1A1DE"
bytes.toVector.asHexString // "ADE1A1DE"
bytes.toList.asHexString // "ADE1A1DE"
There are a number of value classes in the au.id.tmm.digest4s.digest
package which can improve the semantic clarity of
checksum fields:
import au.id.tmm.digest4s.digest._
case class Document(
checksum: Array[Byte], // 🤷 Bad, not clear what the algorithm is
case class Document(
checksum: MD5Digest, // 😎 Clearer, describes the algorithm
import java.io.IOException
import au.id.tmm.digest4s.digest._
import au.id.tmm.digest4s.digest.syntax._
// Compute digests for safe types
val md5Digest: MD5Digest = "Hello".md5
val sha256Digest: SHA256Digest = Array[Byte](0xad.toByte, 0xe1.toByte, 0xa1.toByte, 0xde.toByte).sha256
val sha512Digest: SHA512Digest = List[Byte](0xad.toByte, 0xe1.toByte, 0xa1.toByte, 0xde.toByte).sha512
// Compute digests for types where you might hit an IOException:
val md5Digest: Either[IOException, MD5Digest] = java.nio.file.Paths.get("test").md5OrError