n-puzzle [42 project]
The goal of this project is to solve the N-puzzle ("taquin" in French) game using the A* search algorithm or one of its variants.
See more on the subject.
usage: npuzzle.py [-h] [--heuristic {manhattan,hamming,linear_conflict}] [-s]
[--silent] [--disable-auto-update] [--gui] [--img IMG]
[--w_size W_SIZE] [-r RANDOM] [--generate-solvable]
[--generate-unsolvable] [-u] [-g] [-f]
positional arguments:
puzzle The file that contain the puzzle
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--heuristic {manhattan,hamming,linear_conflict}
This is the heuristic function
-s, --stats Print stats about functions [for debug]
--silent Don't display all the puzzles states on the output
Disable the auto update of heuristic
--gui Open the graphical interface
--img IMG Source of the picture for the graphical interface
--w_size W_SIZE Size of the gui windows
-r RANDOM, --random RANDOM
Generate a random puzzle of a given size
--generate-solvable Generate only solvable puzzle
Generate only unsolvable puzzle
-u, --uniform-cost Set an uniform cost (heuristic funcion return 0) ->
it's like dijkstra
-g, --greedy Go to only one path, used to find a solution very
quickly but it's not the better path
-f, --super-fast Super fast algoritm -> just ignore the distance from
python3 npuzzle.py test/all_tests/test3.12.puzzle --heuristic linear_conflict --silent
base puzzle:
5 1
4 3 7
8 2 6
1 2 3
8 4
7 6 5
max opened at the same time: 722
total opened: 2007 -> using linear_conflict
python3 npuzzle.py -r5 --generate-solvable --silent -f --gui --img img/montain.jpg
python3 npuzzle.py -r3 --generate-solvable --silent --gui
To generate puzzle:
python generator.py 3 # generate a puzzle of size 3*3
python generator 4 -s # generate only solvable puzzle
python generator 4 -u # generate only unsolvable puzzle
This script can be used to test the A* algo
python3 mean_time.py <size> [--heuristic HEURISTIC] [--path PATH]
python3 mean_time.py 3
python3 mean_time.py 3 --heuristic manhattan --path test/all_tests
test3.15.puzzle: 0.35s
test3.6.puzzle: 0.19s
test3.19.puzzle: 0.18s
test3.8.puzzle: 0.19s
test3.4.puzzle: 0.19s
test3.17.puzzle: 0.18s
test3.0.puzzle: 0.19s
test3.13.puzzle: 0.19s
test3.11.puzzle: 0.19s
test3.2.puzzle: 0.19s
test3.7.puzzle: 0.19s
test3.14.puzzle: 0.18s
test3.18.puzzle: 0.18s
test3.9.puzzle: 0.19s
test3.16.puzzle: 0.18s
test3.5.puzzle: 0.19s
test3.12.puzzle: 0.19s
test3.1.puzzle: 0.19s
test3.3.puzzle: 0.18s
test3.10.puzzle: 0.18s
summary for 20 files using linear_conflict
total time: 0m 3.89s
mean time: 0.19s
max time: 0.35s
min time: 0.18s
To run tests:
nosetests -v # verbose mode
nosetests --nocapture # show print