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10 days of scala immersion program

Day work
1 classwork
2 classwork
3 classwork
4 classwork, miniproject-1
5 classwork, miniproject-1
6 miniproject-2
7 miniproject-2
8 miniproject-3
9 miniproject-4
10 miniproject-4


The following is my self-assessment with out of 10 for each Concept or Technology or Language.

Scala (6.5)

On a scale of 10, I would rate myself as 6.5

What I already know..

  • I know python, cpp, Javascript, golang,and Java

What I learned..

  • Scala is fully loaded with functional and object oriented programming features.
  • While the syntax is somplaces similar to python and golang, the language is more programmer friendly for its declarative nature.

Akka (5)

On a scale of 10, I would rate myself as 5

What I already know..

I have created concurrent programs in the past but not extensively.

What I learned..

  • Actor based programming paradigm
  • Concept of reactive-streams, and programming using Akka.

Kafka (5)

On a scale of 10, I would rate myself as 5

What I already know..

I learned about kafka on my own about some of its basic concepts.

What I learned..

  • The concept of scalable immutable streams with an expiry, producer and consumers. Cosuming types with scenarios atmost once vs atleast once. And other concepts.

Docker (6)

On a scale of 10, I would rate myself as 6

What I already know..

I have learned and played with docker on my own and used it in a pet project to deploy the application into Amazon EC2 container service and also locally spun the container. django-unchained

What I learned..

I familiarised about some of the concepts that I already know.

ElasticSearch (5)

On a scale of 10, I would rate myself as 5

What I already know..

I have worked on project as a freelancer which uses elastic search integrated with springboot at backend and also used it similarlly ina course project Movie Rating Web Application. Also used in a pet project based on the firebase application built on angularjs and materialjs.

What I learned..

I familiarised my self with concepts I already learned. I learned about using the visualisation tool Kitematic.

Rest (8)

On a scale of 10, I would rate myself as 8

What I already know..

I am aware of basic concepts of REST API development. I worked two projects freelance project and course project , which are both web applications and use REST API's.

What I learned

I learned about good tools used for the REST API development.

Cassandra (3)

On a scale of 10, I would rate myself as 3

What I already know..

I have learned about sql and database design for sql, to reducce information model from business needs to reduced and normalised entitties, into a Physical ERD. I know basics of NoSQL database, which modelling entities is from the usecases. I have used firebase nosql database for a pet project.

What I learned..

I learned about some very basic usage of Cassandra.

Neo4j (2)

On a scale of 10, I would rate myself as 2

What I already know..

I know very little about graph Database concepts.

What I learned..

I learned about some basic lessons on using neo4j and its visulization tool.