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JUnit5 Extensions for easier unit and integration tests

Latest release

The most recent release is pluto 0.3, released 2018-04-03.

The Maven group ID is de.toberkoe, and the artifact ID is pluto. Use version 0.3 for the current version.

To add a dependency on fluent-assertions using Maven, use the following:


To add a dependency using Gradle:

dependencies {
  testImplementation 'de.toberkoe:pluto:0.3'



This extension helps you with injecting mocks. Before each test, the extension calls MockitoAnnotations.initMocks.

class MockExtensionTest {

    private EntityManager manager;

    private PersonRepository repository;

    void testCreatePerson() {
        doReturn(new Person()).when(manager).merge(any(Person.class));
        assertThat(repository.create(new Person())).isNotNull();


This extension offers an alternative to Arquillian and should be used for integration tests. It is configurable via annotations and creates a standalone persistence container with an in-memory database. The following minimalistic example shows some of the available features.

Code to be tested

Entity Class:

public class Person {

    private long id;
    private String name;
    //constructor, getter, setter

Entity Repository:

public class PersonRepository {
    EntityManager manager;
    public Person save(Person person) {
        return manager.merge(person);

Person Service:

public class PersonService {

    PersonRepository repository;
    public Person create(String name) {
        Person person = new Person(name);
Integration test with PersistenceExtension
class PersonServiceIT {

    PersonService service;
    void testCreatePerson() {
        Person person = service.create("Duke");

The extension automatically resolves the required entities and starts the persistence container. For more complex test cases some of the following annotations might help:

Annotation Description
Log Change the log level. Default is Log.Level.OFF.
UseDatabase Change the used database. Default is Database.HSQLDB.
EntityDiscoveryMode Change the entity discovery mode. Default is Strategy.DYNAMIC.
EntityClassProvider Annotation to flag static methods, that are providing the required entity classes.

For further information you can check the wiki or the source. This lib is still in development. If you miss a feature please provide a new issue.