This is a repository for playing around with Literate Programming (embedding code in literate documents as opposed to embedding literate comments in code), and Org Mode (Like Markdown on stereoids).
What you find here, are not writeups of me solving these problems, they’re the actual code I wrote itself. Any code files are generated from the document itself.
- Merge Intervals (in Python, Emacs Lisp)
- Lemonade Change (in Emacs Lisp)
- Count Number of Islands (in Python)
- Regions Cut by Slashes (in Kotlin)
- Matrix Cells in Spiral Order (in Kotlin)
- Convert an Integer to English (in Ruby)
- Number of Nodes With Same Label in Subtree (in Typescript)
- Maximum Ice Cream Bars (in Emacs Lisp)
- Calculate Island Perimeter (in Racket implementing a custom DSL)
- Check Tic Tac Toe Winner (in Python)
- Battleship Board (in Racket and Javascript)
- Sort the Matrix Diagonally (in Python)
- Self Crossing (in Racket)
- Generate Parentheses (in Racket and Javascript)
- Missing Ranges (in Python, C#, two Rackets, and Javascript)
- Order Analysis (in Racket)
- Get Directories (in Python)
- Gradient Blend (in CSS and Javascript)
- Restore IP Address (in Javascript)
- Maze Generation (in Python)
- Meeting Scheduler (in Javascript)
- Sentence Screen Fitting (in Javascript)
- Sum Consecutive Elements (in Python)
- Matrix Sum of Regions (in Racket)
- Roman Numeral to Integer (in Ruby)
- Sliding Puzzle (in Python)