Works like classic novel: shows pictures (backgrounds, sprites of characters), outputs text
This novel was created on Ren'Py engine, based on Python.
At the first, i just added files that i need- backgrounds, characters' sprites, sounds and few animations. After that coding has began.
define e = Character('Эрика', color="#DC143C")
define v = Character('Веньямин', color="#FFD700")
define i = Character('Айзек', color="#006400")
define l = Character('Ленор', color="#483D8B")
define me = Character('я', color="#BC8F8F")
define b = Character('Босс', color ="#FFFFFF")
All of the sprites and backgrouns were drawn by my own.
There are plot ramifications in game. To create them i used menu to give to player oportunity of choosing answer and call or jump functions to move the plot of game.
"Позвать Эрику":
jump callerika
jump runaway