.processAnalyzer is a Python tool to analyze the csv output of the following osquery command:
select p.pid, p.name, p.path, p.parent, p.cmdline, p.start_time, p.elapsed_time, p.on_disk, h.md5, h.sha256 from processes p left outer join hash h on p.path=h.path;
You can read more about the tool on forensixchange.com
You can open it with the -h (--help) switch.
usage: processAnalyzer_v0_8.py [-h] [-d DELIMITER] [-s SYSTEMROOT] [-a] [-v] [-k APIKEY] [-c CACHEFILE] [-p PROCESSFILE] [-o OUTPUTFILE] -i INPUT -m {json,analyze,learning}
optional arguments:
- -h, --help show this help message and exit
- -d DELIMITER, --delimiter DELIMITER delimiter for the csv file
- -s SYSTEMROOT, --systemroot SYSTEMROOT root directory of the original system, default=C:\windows\
- -a, --adapting comparing filenames to similar known files to detect masquerading attempt
- -v, --verbose verbose
- -k APIKEY, --apikey APIKEY apikey for virustotal lookup, without it virustotal won't be utilized
- -c CACHEFILE, --cachefile CACHEFILE you can load known hashes from a file, these ones aren't going to be checked on VT
- -p PROCESSFILE, --processfile PROCESSFILE file for a list of known Windows processes, default: known_processes.json
- -o OUTPUTFILE, --outputfile OUTPUTFILE output file for the json output, or for the result of the analysis
required arguments:
- -i INPUT, --input INPUT path to the csv file
- -m {json,analyze,learning}, --mode {json,analyze,learning} choose json to print a json process tree, or analyze to analyze the processes
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More exmaple files and explanations for them are coming....