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Diva Items - ERC1155, and factory contracts


What's included:

ERC1155 Contracts

This includes a very simple ERC1155 for the purposes of integration with the OpenSea marketplace. We include a script for minting the items.

Additionally, this contract whitelists the proxy accounts of OpenSea users so that they are automatically able to trade.


Node version

Either make sure you're running a version of node compliant with the engines requirement in package.json, or install Node Version Manager nvm and run nvm use to use the correct version of node.





Deploying to the Rinkeby network.

  1. To access a Rinkeby testnet node, you'll need to sign up for Alchemy and get a free API key. Click "View Key" and then copy the part of the URL into secrets.json.

  2. Using your API key and the mnemonic for your Metamask wallet (make sure you're using a Metamask seed phrase that you're comfortable using for testing purposes), run:

npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network rinkeby

Minting tokens.

node scripts/mint.js

Diagnosing Common Issues

Running Local Tests

yarn test