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Folders and files

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Simple RAG implementation for course content.

Technologies used

  • OpenAI API. Used models:
    • text-embedding-ada-002 to generate embeddings.
    • gpt-3.5-turbo-16k for re-rank result obtained from vector database.
    • gpt-3.5-turbo-0125 to get final answer.
  • Qdrant - vector database to store embeddings.
  • C# to write console app to ask questions 😊

How to run

  • Run Qdrant locally
  • Configure settings in the file appsettings.json
  • All documents which must be imported, copy to the folder Memories.
  • Set ImportDocuments to true for the first run.
  • Run the app and ask questions.
  • Enjoy 😊

Course content is not included in the repository because it's not my property. 😊
It belongs to guys who prepare the course.

Some code is taken from this repository and converted to C# code.