A personal project to experiment data science stuffs on Jakarta's largest transportation company! Sources and credits: transjakarta.co.id, Trafi API, rasyidstat/transjakarta
- Scrap all available Transjakarta routes (as in 08/04/2020)
- Download all routemaps available in transjakarta.co.id/peta-rute
- Attempt to extract station names using OCR (09/04/2020) -- incomplete
- Scraping Trafi's API, extract json (09/04/2020)
- Parse all of the json's into R-ready format
- Get the routes/corridors, save into geodata (with epsg 4326)
- Get the stops (halte), save into geodata (also with epsg 4326)
- A 'tidy' dataframe containing corridor codes and routes
- OCR to extract all stops
- data/rds/routes - Service type, number of stations
- Dashboard