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Tracking Disruptions of Spatial Representations in Working Memory by Eye-Movements (SCAM!)


Oscillations in the alpha frequency band (~8-12 Hz) play an important role in supporting selective attention to visual items and maintenance of their spatial locations in human working memory (WM). Recent findings suggest that the maintenance of spatial information in alpha is modulated by different forms of interruption to continuous visual input, such that attention shifts, eye-closure and backward masking of the encoded item cause reconstructed representations of remembered locations to become degraded. Here, we investigated how another common visual disruption - eye-movement - modulates reconstructions of stored representations of items held in WM. Participants completed trials of a delayed estimation task, where they encoded and recalled either the location (spatial memory) or color (non-spatial memory) of an object after a brief retention period. During retention, participants either fixated at center or executed a sequence of guided eye-movements. Electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded at the scalp and gaze was monitored using gaze-contingent eye-tracking. The inverted encoding modeling (IEM) technique was applied to reconstruct location-selective responses from alpha-band activity during encoding and retention periods. Eye movements disrupted the maintenance of stored location representations in alpha, and there was no evidence to suggest a distinct pattern of alpha activation emerged to support the location-specific representation during eye-movements. However, location representations could be recovered when eye-gaze stabilized both between and after eye-movements. These results suggest that eye-movements disrupt maintenance of spatial information in alpha in a manner that is consistent with other acute interruptions to continuous visual input.


Preprocessed EEG data files (ready for IEM) can be downloaded here.


Meta Scripts

Use WRAPPER.m function to automatically process Trial and EEG data

Trial Data

Beh_Rename_Files Remove unique date codes from trial data files (makes them easier to work with)

Beh_Merge_Blocks Rename and merge trial info blocks

Beh_WM_Modelling Run MEMFIT mixture model (w/bias) on behavioral data

Beh_Convert_Format_MAT_to_R Convert behavioral data from wide (MATLAB)to long (R)format

EEG Preprocessing

EEG_Preprocessing1 Import, filter, sync EEG with Trial Info

EEG_Preprocessing2 Reject artifacts, split data into conditions

badChannelInfo Identify bad electrodes for each subject

IEM Individual Conditions w/Blocked Approach

IEM_Settings Contains general IEM settings [BLOCKED MODEL ONLY]. Very important!

IEM Run all IEMs, save TFs for high temporal resolution "within" IEMs, save weights for lower temporal resolution "cross" IEMs

IEM_Compute_Compile_Slopes_Within Generate slopes for "within" IEM results

IEM_Cross_TT Run IEM on the training/testing weights for all conditions and timepoints

IEM_All_Freqs +job Run IEM across multiple frequencies (e.g. 4-30 Hz)

IEM_Compute_Compile_Slopes_All_Freqs Generate slopes for "within" IEM results computed across multiple freqs (e.g. 4-30 Hz)

IEM_Cross_TT +job Run cross-condition IEM training/testing

IEM_Cross_TT_Calculate_slope Calculate slopes for cross-condition IEMs

IEM_Cross_TT_Compile_Slopes Compile cross-condition slopes from all subjects into a single master file

IEM_Eye Run fixation locked IEM (doesn't really work, abandoned)

IEM_Plot_Cross_TT_With_Threshold Plots cross condition IEM results with threshold (Bayes or Frequentist)

IEM_Cross_Session_Gen+job Run cross session (i.e. days 1 and 2) IEM and get training/testing sets for each session/condition (control analysis)

IEM_Cross_Session_TT+job Run cross-session (i.e. days 1 and 2) training and testing (control analysis)

IEM_Cross_Session_TT_Compile_Slopes Get slopes from cross-session training/testing and compile into a single "master" file (control analysis)

IEM_Plot_Cross_Session_TT.m Plots cross session analysis (control analysis)

SNR_Analysis_Compute+job Calculate SNR for each condition

SNR_Analysis_Get_Non_Alpha+job Get non-alpha bandpass data for SNR analysis

EEG_Compile_Bandpassed_Data Grab bandpassed data from individual subjects and compile into a single file

Compute_Alpha_Lateralization Does exactly that (just for stim and ret periods)

Compute_Alpha_Lateralization_Multiple_EMs Does exactly that (for stim and multiple chunks of EM data)

EEG_Extract_Preprocessed_Data_For_ERP_Analysis +job Gets raw signal data for ERP analyses (control analysis)

EEG_Compute_ERPs Generate ERPs (control analysis)

IEM Fixed Model w/ Leave One Absent Approach

IEM_Fixed_Model_LOA.m+job Run fixed model with leave one out cross-validation. This doesn't seem to be workign well.

IEM_Fixed_Model_LOA_Settings.m IEM settings for ^

Plot_IEM_Within_Surf_Fixed_Split_Conds.m Create surface plots for fixed model LOA results (very rough script)

Eye Data Analysis

Process_Eye_Data1 Epoch eye data around stimulus trigger 102 and create matrix of all trials

Process_Eye_Data2 Sync epoched eye data (all trials) with trial data

Process_Eye_Data3 Remove broken trials and epoch around targets

Eye_Movement_Analysis_Euclid Finds euclidian distance between eye movements and fixation dot cues in "move" conditions

Eye_Movement_Analysis_Euclid_Plot Plots euclidian distance (error) results for ^^

Process_Eye_Data4Manually select stable eye time segments post EM1, EM2 and EM3 cues and save indices (this is for the fixation-locked IEM analysis that we didn't include in paper)

Multimodal Scripts

Correlate_Beh_With_CTFs Look at relationship between CTF slope and behavior

Plotting scripts

Plot_Alpha_Topographies Plot alpha topos (circular layout)

Plot_Alpha_Topographies_Static_2_Periods Plot alpha topos for stimulus and retention periods

Plot_Alpha_Topographies_Static_4_Periods Plot alpha topos for stimulus and EM1, EM2 and EM3 chunks of retention period

Plot_Behavior_Modeling_Results Plots mixture model SD and Guess rate results

Plot_Alpha_Topographies_GIFs Generate gifs showing alpha lateralization shifts over time on trial

Plot_Trials_Schematics_With_Alpha_Topos Generate schematics showing samples of alpha lateralization and corresponding target position on screen

Plot_IEM_Cross_TT Plot results of IEM cross training/testing analyses

Plot_IEM_Within_Surf Generate surface plots for CTFs

Plot_SNR_Results Compare SNR across conditions (control)


badBlock_beh Fix messed up behavioral data

badCB_beh Fix messed up counterbalancing data for certain subjects

EEG_Fix_Bad_Config_Files Fix EEG files that were recorded with incorrect sample rate and channel lables in ActiView

EEG_Merge_Broken_Files Merge EEG files where continuous recording (in ActiView) was interrupted mid experiment e.g. subject bathroom break

Eye_Diagnosis Troubleshoot eye/trial data sync issues

Eye_Location_Plot Quickly plot a single subject's eye-movements

Plot_EYE_Data Plot eye data for single subs (old, remove)

Plot_EYE_Data_Color Kamryn? )

Plot_EYE_Nwe Kamryn?

Dependencies (third party, should all really be placed in separate folder)

EEGLAB toolbox (v.2019_1)

gif Creates gifs

hline Draws horizontal lines in plots

vline Draws vertical lines in plots

shadedErrorBar Generates shaded error bars

visAngleCalculatePix Convert pixels to degrees visual angle

wshift shifts a vector or matrix

Notes for GitHub/Coding Style Workshop (remove)

Give an overview of how to set up a github folder, how to add/commit/push etc.

Show how I deal with having stuff on cluster and local machines (directory naming v.important here, needs to be unified)

How to deal with local scripts that are not run on cluster? e.g. R scripts?

Integrating plots with adobe illustrator (show auto updating)

Talk about MATLAB GitHub interaction e.g. useful for renaming files, deleting etc. But can also mysteriously not work for some stuff.

Script titles (add a "project" line, also "date created, date last updated")

Function names are capitalized, underscored


No description, website, or topics provided.






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