SmugImg parses GUIDs to photos at SmugMug, and is then able to generate a URL to your image at any given size.
This gem is a bit of reusable logic that I'm extracting from my personal site. I use it to implement a custom liquid tag which generates URLs and IMG tags for my photos.
This isn't an official SmugMug gem. I'm not affiliated with the company SmugMug.
Install the gem manually:
gem install smugimg
Order add it to your Gemfile:
gem 'smugimg'
Create an instance of a SmugImg::Image using a photo GUID. One place you can get these from is from your feeds.
# Hard-coded image guid for display purposes only.
ex_img = ""
img =
You can use all of the pre-defined sizes:
%w{Ti S M L XL X2 X3 O}.each do |s|
puts img.at_size(s)
Or you can use custom dimensions in the form of 'WIDTHxHEIGHT':
puts img.at_size('500x250')
Run the rspec tests with rake:
- Tom Harrison, @tomharrison