Anitya is a release monitoring project.
Its goal is to regularly check if a project has made a new release. Originally developed within Fedora, the project created tickets on the Fedora bugzilla when a new release is available. Now this service has been split into two parts:
- anitya: find and announce new releases
- the new hotness: listens to the fedmsg bus, opens a ticket on bugzilla for packages allowing for it and triggers a scratch-build of the new version
Anitya provides a user-friendly interface to add or edit projects. New releases are announced on fedmsg and notifications can then be sent via FMN (the FedMsg Notifications service).
Github page: | |
Anitya deployment is currently only supported on Python 2.x, but local development can use either Python 2.x or 3.x. The following steps should all work regardless of which runtime you have your virtual environment configured to use.
To run Anitya in a Vagrant guest, simply run:
$ sudo dnf install vagrant vagrant-libvirt vagrant-sshfs ansible $ cp Vagrantfile.example Vagrantfile $ vagrant up $ vagrant ssh $ systemctl --user start anitya.service
You may then access Anitya on your host at:
Here are some preliminary instructions about how to stand up your own instance of Anitya. We'll use a virtualenv and a sqlite database and we'll install our dependencies from the Python Package Index (PyPI). None of these are best practices for a production instance, but they will do for development.
First, set up a virtualenv:
$ sudo yum install python-virtualenv $ virtualenv anitya-env --system-site-packages $ source anitya-env/bin/activate
Issuing that last command should change your prompt to indicate that you are operating in an active virtualenv.
Access to the system site packages is needed for access to the RPM bindings, as those aren't available through PyPI, only as RPMs for the system Python runtime.
Next, install your dependencies:
(anitya-env)$ pip install -r requirements.txt
The tests can be run with a coverage data report via:
(anitya-env)$ ./
If this is the first time you've run the tests, you'll also want to do:
(anitya-env)$ pip install -r test_requirements.txt
Regardless of which Python version you have configured in your local venv, the tests can be run under both Python 2 & 3 via:
(anitya-env)$ tox
Create the database, by default it will be a sqlite database located at
(anitya-env)$ python
If all goes well, you can start a development instance of the server by running:
(anitya-env)$ python
Open your browser and visit http://localhost:5000 to check it out.
To build the Docker image:
$ cd anitya/ $ docker build -t anitya .
To run the container with a disposable SQLite database:
$ docker run -e DB_URL='sqlite:////opt/anitya/anitya.db' -d -p 80:80 anitya
To listen for local event announcements over the Federated Message Bus, first start a local relay in the background:
$ fedmsg-relay --config-filename fedmsg.d/ &
And then display the received messages in the local console:
$ fedmsg-tail --config fedmsg.d/ --no-validate --really-pretty
These commands will pick up the local config automatically if you're in the Anitya checkout directory, but being explicit ensures they don't silently default to using the global configuration.
To display the messages, we turn off signature validation (since the local server will be emitting unsigned messages) and pretty-print the received JSON.
Refer to the fedmsg consumer API for more details on receiving event messages programmatically.
To build the Docker image:
$ cd anitya/ $ docker build -t anitya .
To run the container, execute the command below. Be sure to replace the value of DB_URL with the URL to connect to your production database. Also ensure to replace SECRET_KEY with a random string (preferably hex values) that is the same on every deployment of Anitya, as this is used for session management:
$ docker run -e DB_URL='db_type://user:password@server.domain.local:3306/database_name' \ -e SECRET_KEY='123456789abcdef123456789' -d -p 80:80 anitya