You can find all my blogs and tutorials over at I have many Unreal Engine and C++ focused tutorials and learning resources.
This project is part of the Professional Game Development in C++ and Unreal Engine Course where we build this project step-by-step.
Third-person survival game for Unreal Engine made entirely in C++. Originally built as six part tutorial series for Epic Games, now available as open-source C++ sample project.
In 2020 I taught a full curriculum at Stanford University for Unreal Engine C++. You can now enroll in this course yourself using the links below.
Professional Game Development in C++ and Unreal Engine
The C++ Course features include building of a C++ game framework including an "action system" and event-driven code for flexible and re-usable game code the "unreal way". Multiplayer features, AI bots, SaveGame system, async loading of content, UMG menus and UI and so much more!