This GraphQL on Rails API serves queries and mutations to Tomo, an application that allows language learners to schedule anonymous language exchange sessions without the hassles of coordinating a specific date and time.
Live endpoint:
Stack: Rails, GraphQL, RSpec, Travis CI, Heroku
- Local Setup
- Test Suite
- GraphQL Queries and Mutations
- GraphQL Types
- Database Schema
- FAQs
- Project Board
- Ruby 3.0.1
- Rails 6.1
Install gems:
(if this fails, try tobundle update
and then retry)
Setup database:
rails db:create
rails db:migrate
rails db:seed
To run your own development server:
rails s
- You should be able to access the GraphQL interface and see available queries and mutations via the docs on http://localhost:3000/graphiql
- Run with
bundle exec rspec
- All tests should be passing
- To view specific test coverage:
open coverage/index.html
- Endpoint: POST
Get Availabilities: fetch all availabilities for a user by id
Type: Availability
argument :user_id, ID, required: true argument :status, String, required: false
Example request
{ getAvailabilities(userId: "1") { id userId status } }
Create Availability: create new availability slot for a user with default status of 'open'
Type: Availability
argument :user_id, ID, required: true argument :start_date_time, Integer, required: true argument :end_date_time, Integer, required: true argument :status, Integer, required: false
Example request
mutation { createAvailability(input: { params: { userId: "2", startDateTime: 1609493400, endDateTime: 1609504200 }}) { id userId startDateTime endDateTime status } }
Update Availability: fetch information for a user by id
Type: Availability
argument :id, ID, required: true argument :start_date_time, Integer, required: false argument :end_date_time, Integer, required: false argument :status, Integer, required: false
status: "1"
: 'fulfilled',status: "2"
: 'open' -
Example request
mutation { updateAvailability(input: { id: "2", startDateTime: 1612324800, endDateTime: 1612328400, status: 1 }) { id userId startDateTime endDateTime status } }
- Create Blocked Pairing: create a new blocked pairing for a user
Type: Blocked Pairing
argument :blocking_user_id, ID, required: true argument :blocked_user_id, ID, required: true
Example request
mutation { createBlockedPairing(input: { params: { blockingUserId: "1", blockedUserId: "2" }}) { id blockingUserId blockedUserId } }
- Get Languages: get all languages currently supported by the application
Type: Language
Example request
{ getLanguages { id name } }
Get Pairings: fetch all pairings for a user by id
Type: Pairing
argument :user_id, ID, required: true
Example request
{ getPairings(userId: "1") { id user1Id user2Id cancelled } }
Cancel Pairing: fetch all pairings for a user by id
Type: Pairing
argument :id, ID, required: true argument :user_id, ID, required: true
Example request
mutation { cancelPairing(input: { id: "4", userId: "1" }) { id user1Id user2Id user1Cancelled user2Cancelled cancelled
- Get Topic and Translations: returns a random topic and any requested translations for 2 languages by language_id
Type: Topic
argument :language_ids, [ID], required: true
Example request
{ getTopicAndTranslations(languageIds: ["1", "2"]) { id description translations { translation } } }
- Create User Language: add a new language for a user
Type: Blocked Pairing
argument :user_id, ID, required: true argument :language_id, ID, required: true argument :fluency_level, Integer, required: true
fluency_level: 0
: 'native',fluency_level: 1
: 'target' -
Example request
mutation { createUserLanguage(input: { params: { userId: 1, languageId: 1, fluencyLevel: 1 }}) { id userId languageId fluencyLevel } }
Get User: fetch information for a user by id
Type: User
argument :id, ID, required: true
Example request
{ getUser(id: "1") { id username email availabilities { id } userLanguages { id } } }
Authenticate: get a user based on an authentic email/password
Type: User
argument :email, STRING, required: true argument :password, STRING, required: true
Example request
{ authenticate(email: "", password: "1234") { id username email } }
Create User: sign up a new user
Type: User
argument :email, String, required: true argument :username, String, required: true argument :password, String, required: true argument :password_confirmation, String, required: true
Example request
``` mutation { createUser(input: { params: { email: "", username: "user", password: "1234", passwordConfirmation: "1234" } }) { id username email } } ```
Update User: update an existing user
Type: User
argument :id, Integer, required: true argument :email, String, required: false argument :username, String, required: false argument :target_language_id, String, required: false argument :native_language_id, String, required: false
Example request
``` mutation { updateUser(input: {id: 1, username: "person", email: "", targetLanguageId: "2", nativeLanguageId: "1"}) { id username email userLanguages { id userId languageId fluencyLevel } } } ```
field :id, ID, null: false field :user_id, ID, null: false field :start_date_time, String, null: false field :end_date_time, String, null: false field :status, String, null: false field :created_at, String, null: false field :updated_at, String, null: false
field :id, ID, null: false field :blocking_user_id, ID, null: false field :blocked_user_id, ID, null: false field :created_at, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, null: false field :updated_at, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, null: false
field :id, ID, null: false field :name, String, null: false field :created_at, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, null: false field :updated_at, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, null: false
field :id, ID, null: false field :user1_id, ID, null: false field :user2_id, ID, null: false field :date_time, Integer, null: false field :user1_cancelled, Boolean, null: false field :user2_cancelled, Boolean, null: false field :cancelled, Boolean, null: false field :created_at, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, null: false field :updated_at, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, null: false
field :id, ID, null: false field :language_id, ID, null: false field :topic_id, ID, null: false field :translation, String, null: false field :created_at, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, null: false field :updated_at, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, null: false
field :id, ID, null: false field :description, String, null: false field :translations, [Types::TopicTranslationType], null: true field :created_at, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, null: false field :updated_at, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, null: false
field :id, ID, null: false field :user_id, ID, null: false field :language_id, ID, null: false field :fluency_level, String, null: false field :created_at, String, null: false field :updated_at, String, null: false
field :id, ID, null: false field :username, String, null: false field :email, String, null: false field :created_at, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, null: false field :updated_at, GraphQL::Types::ISO8601DateTime, null: false field :availabilities, [Types::AvailabilityType], null: false field :user_languages, [Types::UserLanguageType], null: false
- Users: users that have signed up for the application
- Availabilities: user's time slots of open availability for pairing
- Pairings: language exchange sessions that have been scheduled
- Blocked Pairings: when a user does not wish no pair with another again, they can add that user to their blocked pairings
- Languages: languages currently supported by the application
- User Languages: languages that a user has chosen as either their native or target learning language
- Topics: conversation topics
- Topic Translations: translation of each conversation topic to supported languages
- How are pairings created?
- User A submits an availability block and a new record in Availbilities table is created with default status of 'open'.
- Backend searches for another availbility with the following parameters:
- overlapping date and time
- availability status = open
- this availability's user is:
- studying User A's native language
- speaks language that User A is studying
- not on User A's blocked pairing list
- hasn't blocked User A
- If above criteria is met, a new pairing record is created at the beginning of the overlap time block.
- Each user's availbility's status is changed to 'fulfilled'.
- Note: this is an interim solution. The eventual goal is a more direct scheduling experience (like scheduling a meeting).