This is a Typescript-Port (not a cross compile) of the "dbopl.cpp"/"adlib.h",... Adlib OPL3 Emulator original written by "dosbox team"
There are some cross compiled versions of the DOSBox OPL emulator using Emscripten Compiler Frontend (emcc) and WebAssembly. But, these cross compiled versions are big, slow and not easy to integrate into a TypScript application. So I decided to create a port of the C++ DOSBox OPL emulator to use it in my Lemmings.ts project. Cause of this some changes need to be made.
- replacing C++ templates by methods
- handling crazy address jumping
- fix type mismatch between c++ and Typescript
GNU General Public License OPL emulator: Copyright 2002-2015 The DOSBox Team
open test.html
/// create emulator
let opl = new DBOPL.OPL(audioCtx.sampleRate, 2);
/// write register
opl.write(reg, val);
/// generate samples / wave
let samples = opl.generate(sampelCount);
you only need the alib.js
Cause the original is "GNU General Public License" this port is also "GNU General Public License"